Fighting to Survive (As the World Dies #2)(60)
Bill motioned to those standing around. “Go back into the party now. Clear this area out. There’s been enough drama.”
People began to slowly walk away, talking to each other in hushed voices. Juan had pulled Jenni aside and was talking to her softly in Spanish, obviously trying to calm her down. Nerit stood stoically next to Travis and Katie.
At last, Bill guided Katie into the elevator, Travis right beside her. Nerit, Juan, and Jenni followed along with Peggy. They all rode down in silence to the lobby, where Bill sat Katie down in one of the comfortable chairs and very gently questioned her on all that had happened.
When the statement was finished, Bill pulled Travis aside and whispered, “I’m going to get the Mayor down here and we’ll need to have a meeting about this.”
Travis nodded, his jaw set grimly.
“I need you to be calm though,” Bill added.
Travis sighed then said, “I know. But she’s…she’s…my everything…”
“I know. But still, we need to decide what is best for all of us.”
Travis rubbed his brow then nodded again. “Okay. I’ll be back down in an hour. I want to get her settled.”
“Okay, then we’ll meet at midnight in the hotel manager’s office.”
“I’ll be there, Bill.” Travis moved toward Katie. It hurt him to see her looking so traumatized. He could see how hard she was trying to not give into her emotions. He felt proud of her for that.
How this was all going to end was beyond him, but it felt as if they were quickly descending into chaos.
4. The Casting of Lots
Katie could hear Juan and Jenni talking swiftly in Spanish in her bedroom as she gently eased her way out of her once sexy purple dress, that was now only tatters, as she stood in the bathroom. Jenni was still in full-blown “Shane must die” mode and Juan was trying to get her calmed down.
“Let me help.” He sat on the counter watching her with the saddest eyes.
She was hurting. She was sure the bruises would be showing up soon to add to all her other bruises. Shane had not actually hit her, but he had wrestled her with brutal intensity.
“My arm hurts where he twisted it,” she admitted.
Travis sighed and fought down his anger. He drew her close and gently helped her out of the rest of her clothes. The water was already running hot in the shower. He stood up and pulled the curtain aside.
Stepping into the shower, Katie looked back at his battered face. Reaching out, she touched it lightly. “Come in with me?”
“If it won't upset you,” he answered.
She shook her head. “No. It won't. You make me feel safe.”
He smiled and undressed. Stepping in behind her, he tenderly rubbed her back. They silently helped each other wash away the blood and grime from their battle. It hurt Katie to see Travis' bruises, but at the same time, it made her feel protected. She knew he would defend her with his life if he had to. Finally, she just rested in his arms until the water ran cold and they were forced to get out.
Travis helped Katie into her pajamas and dressed himself in his old clothes. They hadn't discussed it yet, but Katie was sure he would be moving in with her soon. Before they stepped back into her bedroom, she drew him close. They shared several soft, tender kisses. He held her gently against him for a few precious seconds.
Jenni looked less agitated when they finally emerged from the bathroom.
“How are you feeling?” Juan asked.
“Okay, I think,” Katie answered, and crawled onto the bed and lay down.
Travis hovered over her, gently stroking her hair. “She's a fighter.”
Jenni sighed and moved to sit with Katie. “Yeah, but that puto should never have been released after the first time he beat up on her.”
Travis nodded. “Can't say I don't agree with that.” Leaning over, he kissed Katie's cheek.
“What do you think will happen next?” Katie reached out to hold Travis' battered hand.
“Not sure. I'm sure something has to be done, but we don't really have anything in place to deal with this. It's not like any of us are elected officials.” Travis rubbed his brow. “There is no easy way to deal with this. And I better get down stairs and see what's up.”
Juan stood up as well. “I'm going with you. Shane's had run-ins with Jenni. It could have easily have been her in there with him, or any woman, really.”
Travis nodded. “He's dangerous. And we have to accept that.”
Katie pulled lightly on his battered and bruised hand. He leaned over and kissed her. “I trust you to do what is right.”
Travis smiled. “I wish I trusted myself.”
Katie reluctantly let go. Jenni snuggled up next to her, spooning her, her body a comforting presence. The men shut the door behind them and left them in the comforting glow of a lamp.
“I punched him pretty hard,” Jenni said after a long pause.
Katie couldn't help, but laugh. “I noticed. Thank you.” She turned and kissed Jenni’s cheek. “You’re a very good friend.”
“The absolute best,” Jenni said with a wink.
Snuggling back down, Katie pushed thoughts of Shane out of her mind and slowly relaxed in Jenni’s arms until she finally found sleep.
Rhiannon Frater's Books
- Rhiannon Frater
- Pretty When She Kills (Pretty When She Dies #2)
- Pretty When She Destroys (Pretty When She Dies #3)
- Pretty When They Collide (Pretty When She Dies 0.5)
- Siege (As the World Dies #3)
- The Last Mission of the Living (The Last Bastion #2)
- The Last Bastion of the Living (The Last Bastion #1)
- The First Days (As the World Dies #1)
- Pretty When She Dies (Pretty When She Dies #1)
- The Living Dead Boy (The Living Dead Boy #1)