Fighting to Survive (As the World Dies #2)(59)
“Did you see what he did to Katie?”
Katie clung to Jenni, sobbing. The sight of her made Travis even more upset and Curtis had to put extra pressure on his arm to keep him under control.
Juan and Philip were still grappling with each other. Finally, Juan managed to get him down to the ground. Roger and a few other men hurried to help subdue Phillip.
“He f*ckin' attacked me out of nowhere! I demand you arrest him!” Shane was still struggling to get free, his angry gaze on Travis.
“You were hurting Katie!”
“The bitch wanted to try out a man. Yer just jealous she didn't pick you!”
Nerit very calmly said, “If you hadn't been late to the party tonight, Shane, you would realize how foolish your words sound to everyone. Katie and Travis made it very clear tonight that they are a couple.”
Shane turned his bloodied face toward her and said, “Back off, Jewbitch. I don't give a f*ck what you say.”
“It's true, Shane,” Bill said pulling him away from Travis. “You better come up with a better story.”
“The lesbo wanted to try out a man,” Shane hissed through his bloodied teeth.
“You sonnofabitch,” Katie said in an angry voice. “You tried to rape me!”
“You can't rape the willing,” Shane spat back.
“That's it,” Jenni said.
She launched herself at Shane and managed to get in a few good slugs before she was yanked off of him by Roger and carried away to a safe distance.
Nerit slid her sweater around Katie's shoulders and drew it close over her breasts. Katie was trembling, but was looking more in control of herself.
“Let me go,” Travis ordered Curtis. “I want to go to Katie.”
Curtis hesitated, then let go of Travis.
Travis was walking to Katie when Shane managed to slip free of Bill and landed a solid punch to Travis' jaw. They went down in a jumble, fists, flying once more.
Nerit let go of Katie and picked up a candleholder from a nearby corner table. Bill and Curtis once more tried to draw the two fighters apart. It was hard going with both men determined to kill each other. Nerit finally managed to squeeze in between the two cops and clocked Shane across the back of the head. He collapsed over Travis. Bill and Curtis immediately dragged him off.
Travis struggled to his feet and reached for Katie. She took his hand and pulled him up and into her arms. Clinging to him, she stared angrily at Shane.
Bill and Curtis finally got Shane and Philip handcuffed and managed to get the crowd in the foyer to step back.
“We didn't do nothing wrong!” Philip was shouting. Next to him, Shane was slumped over unconscious.
“I want to know what is going on right now,” Bill said in a loud voice that sent most of the people in the room into silence.
“That bitch lead Shane on then Travis busted in on them--” Philip began in an almost shrill voice.
“From Katie, I want to know from Katie,” Bill said.
Travis gently rubbed her back as she took a deep breath. “I went into the bathroom to splash water on my face and Shane followed me in. Then he...he...attacked me...and...I fought him...until Travis came...”
“I’m going to kick his ass!” Jenni started across the foyer again and Juan grabbed her right before she reached Shane. She was cussing away in Spanish with impressive dramatic flair.
“Jenni, back off,” Curtis ordered.
Travis looked ready to beat the hell out of Shane again, but Katie clinging to him forced him to calm down. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and held her close, laying his cheek on the top of her head.
“That bitch asked Shane into the bathroom with her and said she wanted to try out a man,” Philip protested. “They asked me to stay outside and not let anyone interrupt. Shane was more than willing to the turn the lesbo straight.”
“Oh, please,” Peggy said, rolling her eyes. “She’s with Travis. She’s obviously not gay.”
“And if she was, it wouldn’t make no difference if Shane was trying to rape her,” Bill said firmly.
Shane managed to open one swollen eye and slurred, “She f*ckin’ begged me.”
Jenni shouted something about Shane being a puto and tried kicking him. Juan dragged her a little further away from Shane.
“Let’s get them down into the holding cell,” Bill said to Curtis. “We’re not going to get anything settled like this.”
Curtis nodded and motioned for Roger and a few other men to help him. Philip and Shane were then half-dragged, half-carried into the elevator and disappeared from view.
“What are you going to do with them?” Jenni asked angrily.
“Nothing yet. Need to get the story down and process it. Then we’ll decide,” Bill answered.
“Throw them over the wall,” someone shouted from the back of the crowd.
There were murmurs of agreement.
“I think the clones would enjoy playing with them,” Calhoun said from somewhere in the crowd. “Obviously, those two men have no protection against the alien overlords and are controlled by evil forces.”
Bill walked up to Katie and Travis and said softly, “Katie, want to sit down with me and give a short statement.”
She nodded and pulled Nerit’s sweater tighter around her shoulders. “Yeah. I would.” She seemed to be gathering her strength and her jaw was set determinedly.
Rhiannon Frater's Books
- Rhiannon Frater
- Pretty When She Kills (Pretty When She Dies #2)
- Pretty When She Destroys (Pretty When She Dies #3)
- Pretty When They Collide (Pretty When She Dies 0.5)
- Siege (As the World Dies #3)
- The Last Mission of the Living (The Last Bastion #2)
- The Last Bastion of the Living (The Last Bastion #1)
- The First Days (As the World Dies #1)
- Pretty When She Dies (Pretty When She Dies #1)
- The Living Dead Boy (The Living Dead Boy #1)