Faking It(55)
“Braden,” said Alyssa. “I think that’s—”
“Say that again,” said Mason, stepping between us. “Say it slowly and clearly so I can make sure I understand it all.”
“Alyssa, if this is true, you’ve been sneaking around behind my back. You’ll get your turn to talk, and if you’ve been hiding this from me, you’re going to forfeit some of whatever anger you might feel towards me when we’re done here.” He turned towards me again. “Because we are done here. Meaning you and me, Braden. As for you and my daughter—”
“Dad!” she said again. “Let him talk or I’m going with him right now! I am not kidding.”
That got his attention. Mason stepped back until he was behind her. He pointed at me over his shoulder. “You’ve got two minutes.”
“I didn’t plan this, coach,” I said. “I just fell in love with her. When she came to do the interviews with me, I tried to treat it like I would anything else. Anyone else, for that matter. But she’s not like anyone else. I didn’t know what was happening to me, and it’s because I had never been in love before.”
“Ninety seconds,” said Mason.
Alyssa’s eyes were shining. I held out the ridiculous hope that if Mason didn’t kill me where I stood, Alyssa would come with me when this was over, no matter what. But I still had to tell her about my plans as well.
“But now I’m here and it has happened. I love your daughter. And I want to be the kind of man she deserves. I want to earn my time with her.”
“You think my little girl deserves no better than someone who trashes a hotel on the Internet and makes a fool out of himself? Not to mention my gym. Do you know what people have been saying to me about you in the business? Things I kept from you, so I could help you focus on your fight, which, refresh my memory, is not happening now? And why would that be, other than the fact that you don’t have a coach anymore?”
“He is not the guy from that video,” said Alyssa.
“I have no idea who he is,” said Mason. “And open your eyes, there are going to be other videos. Not even he has any idea what he’s about to do next, and I’m sick of being jerked around.”
“I’m a guy who isn’t going to fight anymore,” I said. “For now, that’s all I can assure you of. I need to prove to myself that there’s more to me than what I’ve shown the world.” I got on one knee. “Alyssa, you’re not going to like this, but I enlisted today. The marines. I’m going to be going into basic training soon. I am going to serve my country like I should a long time ago. When I’m done, maybe fighting will still be here for me. But all I really want is for you to still be here for me. I am going to show you who I am. And I’m going to show myself.
“Get out,” said Mason. “Get out now while you can still stand upright.”
Alyssa touched my cheek with the back of her hand. “I love you,” she said. “And I’m proud of you.” She turned and went inside, closing the door softly behind her.
“You are never to look at my daughter again, do you hear me?” said Mason.
I stared at the door. She had said that she loved me. Nothing else to be afraid of. I finally felt like I was living in a world without pressure. Almost without pain.
Chapter 11
I couldn’t believe it. Duh. Of course I couldn’t believe it! Of all the things he could have said...I wasn’t sure if I was more surprised that he said he loved me or that he was racing off into the military to prove a point that, in my view, he didn’t have to prove.
I put my ear to the door and listened to Braden and my dad talk. Well, it was more like I heard Braden’s quiet murmurs and my dad’s incoherent bellowing.
Finally, he came back in. Dad closed the door and leaned against it, closing his eyes. I tried to slip out of the foyer quietly but he heard me. “Alyssa,” he said. “I only want what’s best for you.” He was telling the truth. Every father wants what’s best for his kids. But that doesn’t mean he always knows what it is. We all do the best we can, but that never guarantees that we make the right choices.
“I know,” I said. My voice sounded lifeless. Unrecognizable. Not a voice anyone would listen to a podcast. “Have you ever thought that might mean letting me make a decision of my own? Like an adult?”
“Alyssa, you don’t—”
“No dad. I do. What I understand is that I’m grateful to you for everything you’ve done for me, and I’ve also let you do way too much for me. I couldn’t have got this far without you. But I can’t go as far as I want to unless I do it myself. That applies to my job and my relationships.”
Dad looked at the ceiling and sighed. “Honey, relationships that are founded on deceit never work. It’s not the right foundation for stability.”
I went to him. “Dad, we hid from you, but we never deceived each other. In fact, I think it’s the most honest Braden has ever been. And it was definitely the best month of my life. I’m sorry you feel let down, but I’m doing this one on my own.”
He hardened his face. “Well then, that makes two of you. You want to be independent? Be my guest, sweetheart. I’ve given you enough of a head start that I know you’ll be fine. But I’m done with Braden. When he backs out of this he’s going to want back into the gym. I can’t let that happen. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”