
A gigantic thank-you to the entire crew at Scholastic. There are too many to name them all here, but I want to acknowledge a handful who have made Everland beautiful. Rebekah Wallin, thank you for your keen eye and attention to detail. Christopher Stengel, you made this book shine so much I nearly cried the first time I saw it. (Okay, I did cry.) Also many thanks to the wonderful sales team: Elizabeth Whiting, Alexis Lunsford, Annette Hughes, and the rest of you. Cheers to marketing trio Caitlin Friedman, Bess Braswell, and Lauren Festa.

And most of all, thank you to every reader who picks up this book. If I could count the ways I appreciate you, it would surpass the number of stars in the sky.

Wendy Spinale is a former character actor for the Disneyland theme park (so she’s very familiar with the world of make-believe). Everland is her debut novel.

Wendy lives with her family in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Wendy Spinale's Books