Deploy, Part One (Rawlings #1)(41)

Nevertheless, Justice was hoping the slack her boss had been giving her would last just a bit longer. She flew through her side work, half because she didn’t want to leave Atticus waiting, and half because she could not focus. Just the thought that there might be a letter waiting on her, one from made so much angst vanish at once.

Declan gave her a breath, the first deep one she had taken in weeks, made her heart race and her skin doing nothing, by only being a possibility. A hope of a smile could take a girl like Justice a long way.

She didn’t even ask for anyone to check over her work before she left. She punched the clock, and waved the second she saw Atticus pull back in the lot.

Atticus was laughing when she climbed up in his truck.

“Not funny. Why in the hell would you need a truck this high?”

He shook his head as he reached for her hand and helped her in. “It’s good for my ego, watching you climb in isn’t what tickled my funny bone.”

Justice adjusted herself in the passenger seat and drew in a deep breath. It was crazy how this family made her feel stronger, bolder just by being near them. They made her forget what she dealt with day in and out.

“What, then? I smell like bacon? Have ketchup on me?” she asked, only half joking. Murdock always drove her home with all the windows down, teasing her about how the odor of eggs was ridiculous.

“You smell awesome,” Atticus said. “Making my ass hungry all over again.” His tires squealed as he peeled out on Main St. “You’re just making me feel like I’m stealing you—bank robber or some shit.”

“People talk too much,” she said, glancing back, wondering how many people saw her leave with him.

“Only people who like to hear the sound of their own voice,” Atticus said as he leaned into his door. “Only people who have something to hide.”

When her guilty stare shot to him he shrugged. “Like weakness, I mean. You know.”

She nodded.

“You’re worried about Murdock seeing you with me?”

Justice moved her stubborn gaze forward. “You Rawlings’ are nothing if not blunt.”

He grinned. “Saves time.”

She watched the road for a while, hoping he’d forget the original question.

“That real or not, you and him?” Atticus asked at a red light. She was sure he waited until he stopped so he could look her dead in the eye.


“What’s the deal then?”

She shook her head. “We just went through some stuff.”

“Through some stuff? Your dad, that bothered him?”

“Yeah,” she said genuinely. “When Murdock was at my house it was to see him mostly. He got along with him better than his own dad.”

“But the night your dad had his accident he was with you? All cuddled up on the front porch?”

Justice felt her stomach flip and a blush wash down her.

“Yeah, that wouldn’t make sense, now would it,” Atticus said as he drove on.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Atticus glanced her way. “A buddy of ours, he was chatting it up with Nolan the morning he and Declan left.” His eyes met the road. “He saw where Nolan’s attention was going as he looked outside.” Another glance her way then to the road. “Didn’t make much sense to me for you to seem upset about my brother leaving then to go cuddle with a Souter.”

Justice felt her heart beating liking a drum. Horrific panic. If he had pieced as much together, could others have done the same? Is that why the Sheriff still had the file on his desk like Murdock said?

Atticus pulled up to the box outside, dropped his letter in then pulled into a spot. He gripped the steering wheel then looked right at her.

“He hit you because you were with my brother?”

Justice dropped her gaze.

“Which one?” Atticus asked through clenched teeth.

Justice glanced quickly to her side.

“Did your daddy do it and Murdock manned up, or was it the other way ‘round?” He leaned closer. “Murdock lay a hand on you?”

“No,” she said in a whisper.

“You saying that because you don’t want me to do anything ‘bout it?” he asked as he evaluated everything about her. Her breath, how short it was. Her stare, how it could not settle. Her blush, how it was so red she was near feverish. Her hands, now she was wringing them together. Her shoulders, how tense they were.

“If it were true, I wouldn’t want any of my drama to touch your family.” She looked him dead in the eye. “I would fight to make sure it didn’t.” She swallowed. “Murdock was at my house, my father had an accident.”

Atticus’s gaze searched hers for a moment. “No, I mean no one, ever raises a hand to you. You understand? Ever again.”

She nodded and reached for the door so she could go in. He reached for her hand. “This isn’t conditional, Justice. It’s not because of how any one of my brothers feel about you. It’s because you’re a good person. It’s because no one ever deserves to live in fear. To be struck for who they are, what they say, or believe.”

“I know,” she said, with a shy smile, wondering how any Rawlings would take the truth of what happened. If they’d be proud she fought back, or upset she, in effect, committed murder. It was hard to know for sure. They did defend whenever and wherever they could, but family was sacred to them.

Jamie Magee's Books