Defiance (The Protectors #9)(71)

The men around the table nodded, and then they were leaving the room. The long-haired one, Jace, patted me on the shoulder. “We’ve got your back, Vincent. Nothing will happen to him.”

I wasn’t sure what surprised me more - the physical contact or the realization that Jace had figured out what Nathan meant to me, despite the fact I’d only known the operative for a short time.

As caught off guard as I was by the reassurance, it was still oddly comforting. I’d literally met these guys an hour ago, and yet I was putting Nathan’s life in their hands. Ronan had sent me background on each man, so I knew they were the best of the best. Jace, for his part, was considered one of the best snipers in the world.

A skill that would come in handy when he was perched on top of one of the buildings surrounding the park where the rally was being held. He’d be able to keep eyes on Nathan through his scope and take out anyone the rest of us couldn’t reach on foot as we worked the crowd while Nathan was giving his speech.

“Thanks,” I murmured as I watched him leave. Two of the men would sit outside the house overnight and a third would be staying inside the house with me and Nathan to keep watch while we slept. That same man would keep the house secure the following day while the rest accompanied us to and from the rally.

Even though Ronan’s guys would be enough for the job, I’d decided to take it a step further and cash in my chips with the head of the NSA. The man had agreed to send some of his agents to cover the rally in place of the standard security guards. They’d also look the other way when it came to me and my men being armed on the premises. So, between the men I was bringing with me and the Secret Service agents, Nathan would be one of the most well-protected men in America tomorrow.

I glanced up at the repaired picture window and shuddered at the memory of Nathan’s assailant standing behind him with a knife.

Too fucking close.

I switched off the lights and did a quick check of the first floor to make sure everything was locked up before heading upstairs.

Things had gotten a little awkward when we’d arrived at the house. Nathan had seemed uncomfortable as he’d babbled on about me using a guest room if I wanted, or sharing his room. I’d attributed the whole thing to a mix of nerves about tomorrow, as well as us no longer being in the privacy of my own home, but in truth, I was a little on edge about the whole thing. I’d ended up agreeing to a guest room just to put him at ease, but there was no way in hell I had any intention of actually sleeping in it.

Not after having spent the last several nights with Nathan snuggled up against my side.

In theory, I should have welcomed the opportunity to get some distance from him, but between the danger tomorrow would bring, and the realization that tonight could very well be my last night with him if tomorrow went our way, I sure as hell wasn’t spending the night apart from him.

I snagged my bag off the bed in the guest room and went to Nathan’s room. The door was closed, but I didn’t bother knocking. He wasn’t in the room, but I could see a plume of steam coming from the open bathroom door. I dropped my bag on the floor and reached into it to search out my shaving kit and toothbrush.

As I neared the bathroom, I saw Nathan standing in front of the vanity, his eyes on his reflection in the huge mirror. His hair was damp and he had a towel wrapped around his hips. His eyes met mine in the reflection and held them as I stepped up behind him and put my shaving kit and toothbrush down on the counter.

Neither of us spoke as we watched each other.

We didn’t have to.

I knew exactly what he was thinking, and I suspected it was the same for him.

I let my hand skim over his beautiful back as I dropped my lips to his shoulder. His skin was warm and damp. I lifted my other hand to clasp his waist as I trailed my lips up his neck. When my mouth found his, he straightened and his hand reached behind him to tangle in my hair. The kiss was raw and carnal, with each of us trying to gain control of it.

I won, but only because I chose that moment to release his towel. As he gasped, I took ownership of his mouth and then the rest of him. My hands roamed all over his body as I began pumping my hips against his. When I finally reached his dick, Nathan whispered my name.

“What, baby?” I asked as I began giving him short, jerky strokes that wouldn’t give him the satisfaction he was seeking.

“Fuck me,” he begged as he thrust his ass against me. The fabric of my jeans did nothing to hide my erection.

“Look in the mirror,” I ordered. It took him a moment to follow through on the command. He pressed both hands on the counter to support himself as he looked in the mirror. But his eyes were on me, not himself.

“Look at yourself,” I said.

When he did, I leaned in to nip at his ear. “Now beg me to fuck you again,” I murmured. “See what I see when you’re begging for my cock.”

Nathan’s body trembled at my words. His eyes remained on his own reflection. “Vincent, please…please fuck me,” he managed to get out.

I rewarded him with a hard stroke on his dick and then I fondled his balls. He let out a whimper of protest when I released his cock. I kept humping his ass as I reached behind me and tugged my shirt off. Nathan’s eyes were plastered on me in the mirror as I put my hands on his hips and began to pump my erection against his ass, mimicking the hard fucking I was going to be giving him.

“Yes,” he cried out. “More.”

Sloane Kennedy's Books