Crown Jewels (Off-Limits Romance #1)(79)

“Can you do the stairs?” I whisper.

Liam smirks. “Lucy.”

“Hey, just checking.” I stick my tongue out at him, and Liam gives me one of his sweet smiles.

We pass a female member of the help staff, dressed in a black and white apron outfit, as we walk toward our rooms. She nods at us, and Liam nods back. When we get to his room, he stops outside his door and grabs my shoulder.

“Luce…” He pulls me up against him, harder than I was expecting. “Thank you,” he whispers into my hair.

I pull away a little, so I can look into his eyes. “Are you going to call a doctor? For your shoulder?”

“Yeah, the castle has someone.” His eyes explore the hallway wall behind me for a small moment before returning to mine. “Do you want to take a few days? Do some traveling? I can send a guard.”

I realize with a start that he must want me to go.

“Do you think your migraine will be around for a while?”


“You’re pretty sure that’s what it is? I’m still worried, you know.”

He smiles, crooked. “Yeah, I’m sure. Don’t worry, Lucy Su. I’m just going to sleep it off.”

“Okay.” Is that why he wants me gone, or is there some other reason?

“I’ll have Mora recommend some places and Heath or Ain get some reservations for you, wherever you want to go.”

Tears fill my eyes. I have to blink quickly to hide them. I keep my voice steady as I tell him, “I don’t have to come back after that. Just let me know what’s on your schedule.”

“Lucy—” He shuts his eyes, inhaling deeply before he opens them. “I want you to.”

I can’t help a small smile. “Okay.”

“Text me?”


He leans in for a light kiss. When he lingers there, his mouth inches from mine, I run a hand over his bearded jawline. “Take care, Liam. You sure you don’t need anything?”

He nods, one half of his mouth tugging up into a small, strained smile. “Thanks, Lucy.”

“Thank you.”

We kiss once more—it’s short and sweet—before Liam disappears into his rooms. I stand outside his door for a few minutes, wishing we were close enough that I could go inside and snuggle up to him. I don’t like leaving knowing that he’s sick.

Eventually, I give in to reason and go into my own room, where I perch in one of the chairs and text Amelia.

‘OMG AM!!!!!!! I told him!!! And it went AMAZINGLY! Prince Liam is the best guy ever. I’m not even kidding you. #Swooning <3’

I lie on my bed, Grey purring at my feet, for hours while Amelia and I text. About Liam and me. About Am and Dash. About the woodsy, sweet smell of the air here and the irritation of working on an animated movie. Sometime around 10 p.m. my time, I notice a long text from Heath that, at a glance, looks to be about B&Bs. I decide to read it later. In the morning.

For now, I fill my giant, sunken tub, running the water lukewarm for the baby, but with bubbles so it’s still a little fun.

When I emerge, wrapped in my robe, I find milk and cookies on my bed side table, as well as a printed itinerary.

Heath says these are Liam’s favorite places. –Pete

It’s not until I wake up around 3 a.m. to use the restroom that I notice: Grey is gone.


An hour and a half later, I’ve checked almost the whole damn castle, so I’m pretty sure Gray is in Liam’s rooms. At least, I’m hoping he is.

I stand outside Liam’s door for the longest time, listening for noise, trying to see if he’s asleep. His big, thick door is slightly cracked, which makes me feel more sure Grey must be in there.

I guess whoever brought the paper itinerary and cookies must have let him out by accident. If they brought something to Liam at the same time—and left his door open—it makes sense that Grey might have run across the hall.

I don’t want to intrude on Liam, especially when he thinks he won’t be seeing me for several days, but if I can’t find Grey…

I push the door open slowly, spilling a triangle of golden light into the darkened room.

Shit! I’m going to wake Liam. I crouch down and crab-walk my way into the room, praying that if Grey’s in here, he’ll...I don’t know, smell me or something and come out. As I creep along the rug, I notice movement along one of the walls. I pause for long enough to realize it’s the night breeze blowing through the curtains.

Before I start to move again, I glance up at the bed—and spy a pair of glowing, green cat eyes. The moment I spot Grey, he shoots down off the bed and out the door. I rise quickly, turning toward the door. Despite my need to follow Grey and get him into my room, my gaze glues itself to the bed.

If shadow vision serves me right, Liam is lying on his side, his body curled into a big “C” underneath the covers. After a second looking at him with a mix of hunger and concern, I realize he’s covering his face with both hands.

“Liam?” I don’t mean to speak, just like I don’t mean to move closer to the bed. But here I am. I’m right beside him. I can see he’s shirtless underneath the sheets, can see his shoulders drawn up. I can see him…is he shaking?

Ella James's Books