Crown Jewels (Off-Limits Romance #1)(72)

“I know.” I smile. He smiles back. I look down at him.

“Quit looking. That just makes it worse.”

“That moose probably had a wife, you know.” After a few more seconds, Liam laughs again and shakes his head, and we’re ready to go.

We pass a bunch of people on the route upstairs, and Liam is polite and friendly to all of them. He introduces me a time or two, and other times, people know who I am.

Upstairs, he uses the intercom to tell someone to get the camping stuff ready for us and put it in the Jeep. Then he calls the kitchen, asking for a basket of food and a case of bottled water, also to be put in the Jeep.

“Do you want to ride, though?” he says when he turns toward me. “I can have the Jeep driven.”

“Hmmmm. Horses at night could be fun.”

He calls back and relays that, then has the horses saddled.

I can’t help laughing.

“What?” he asks, thumping me.

“It’s a hard life, coordinating so many things.”

He ruffles my hair, and I screech. “I’m all pretty. Don’t mess me up!”

“I couldn’t mess you up if I tried.”

We kiss for a few long, hot moments, where my heart races and blood rushes through my body. I wrap my arms around him.

“God. I’m getting hooked on this.”

“Me too,” he says against my hair. He hugs me tightly. “Want to go get changed?”

“Yeah. Is it cold out?”

“Maybe a little. Wear a jacket, or I’ll get you one.”

I return to his room half an hour later, dressed in riding boots, suede riding pants, and a plum-colored wool Burberry cloak that seems perfect for a nighttime horseback ride.

He grins as soon as he sees me. He’s got on old-looking, faded jeans with a hole in one knee, hiking boots, and a thick, gray sweater.

He grabs his pack and mine, and I walk out of his room, starting down the stairs. He pulls me another way.

“We’ll take the stairs for the help. When I was little, we used to call them the ‘help me’ stairs, because they’re so steep.”

We go outside, where people are mingling on the lawn. We cut into the shadows, into a large garden, then veer through a grove, toward the stables.

“Why are they so far from the castle? Is it a form of fire protection?”

“It is.”

I watch him pack Pegasus, then we both get on and we are riding in the moonlight, over green, green grass, the smell of the sea in my nose, a gentle wind on my cheeks.

“This is amazing!”

He takes the lead, and I follow, through a forest. Then we’re at the edge of a large field, and there’s a stream winding through it.

I see something shiny in the distance and realize it’s the car.

“Oh, wow. Who drove it here?”

“One of the staff. He’s going to ride one of the horses back.”

“How will we get back?”

“On the other horse.” He smiles. “Don’t want to ride rump?”

“On the horse’s butt? No way!”

He laughs, and we ride up to where the tent is already assembled. He hands off his own horse, but the guy won’t take it. He waves and walks off into the night. Liam has to stalk after him and convince him to get on the horse.

I look up at the stars. “This is seriously incredible.”

“I’ve always liked the outdoors.”

“Did you get to do a lot of that stuff growing up?”

“Some. Lots of group things.”

“At school?”

He nods.

“So you weren’t in Gael that much the last ten years.”

“Not really, no.”

“That seems kind of sad.”

“Does it?” He unzips the tent’s top. “What about you? You spent your childhood outdoors, right?”

“Yeah. It was pretty awesome. I always had a horse, and there were woods all around our house. We all hunted deer with bows and fished in the ponds. You’ve seen it all on TV.”

“Your family was happy?” he asks.

I can read between the lines; he’s asking me if it’s real, as opposed to made-for-TV. I nod. “Pretty happy. My parents had a rough spot or two, but we were always happy. I’d say they’re very happy now. My dad gets tired of the show sometimes. My mom, too, honestly. I don’t think they’ll do it a whole lot longer. But it’s been an experience.”

Liam pulls the tent flap open, and we crawl inside onto the sleeping bags. Liam fires up a lantern, and I stretch out on my back, looking at the ink black sky and all the sparkling stars.

Tell him, Lucy.

I shut my eyes. They’re still shut when I feel his hand playing at the hemline of my shirt. His fingers slip inside, cold against my warm belly. I “brrr” and fold myself around his arm to warm his fingertips against my skin.

“Too cold?” He chuckles.

“Hell yes.”

I rub my hands over his, through the fabric of my shirt, and then he’s inching downward, fingers walking to the top of my pants. I lie there, very still, as he unbuttons them.

I shouldn’t—I know that—but all I really think is: this is the last time, before I tell him. This is the last time, and I want it.

Ella James's Books