Angel in Chains (The Fallen #3)(103)

“I once told Sam that it was the fire that would make him scream the loudest when he fell.” The fire that burned away an angel’s wings and stole so much of his magic.

Fear flickered in Bastion’s eyes. He rose into the air. “I won’t fall.” His wings carried him higher. “I won’t.”

He was already on the path to a fall. The angel just didn’t realize it yet.

“Watch out for the burn,” Az whispered. Because he could see it coming. “It’ll make you scream.”

The angel vanished.

Az didn’t leave his post on the balcony. He waited for Jade to come and join him. He’d known she was there all along. No way to miss that sweet scent.

The curtains rustled once more.

“You . . . you can call him back.” Jade’s voice was hushed.

“Why would I do that?”

“So you can get home.” She came toward him with the softest whisper of sound as her bare feet slid across the balcony. “So you can get your wings back. So you can—”

He turned and caught her hands. “Spend the rest of my life missing you?”

Her gaze searched his.

“No. I’m where I want to be.” Jazz music drifted up the street. “Where I’m meant to be.” With her.

The world wasn’t a safe place. It was brutal and hard and filled with evil . . . and good.

Angels weren’t just needed in heaven. They needed to be here. Protecting the ones that they loved. Fighting to hold a balance between good and evil on earth.

“I’m glad to hear that,” Jade said and her full lips tilted into a smile, a smile that was echoed in her eyes. “Because following your butt into heaven wouldn’t have been easy.”

His own eyes widened. Would she have truly—

Yes. He could see the answer in her gaze. Jade would have gone with him anywhere.

Fair enough. He would gladly follow her even through the gates of hell.

“Now I can stop worrying about trying to grow my own wings,” she teased as her arms wrapped around him. “That was not going to be an easy job, let me tell you . . .”

The sun was rising. The darkness gone at last.

“You don’t need wings.” Az pulled her closer.

“Damn right I don’t.” She licked her lips and rose onto her toes. “And neither do you. I want you, I love you, just the way you are.”

As he bent his head toward her, Az realized that if he had to do it all over again . . .

He’d fall, in an instant.

Just to be with her.

Some things in this world were worth dying for, but there were far more—far more—things that were actually worth living for.

He’d always live for Jade.

He kissed her and knew that he was home.

Cynthia Eden's Books