Angel in Chains (The Fallen #3)(100)
Um, not sounding so great. Her brows lifted.
“It destroyed who I was.” Az’s face was solemn.
Again . . . what he was saying definitely fell into the not so great category.
“And I’m glad,” he said, voice rough. “Because I don’t want to be him anymore. I want to be someone who can love. Who can be happy. With you.”
Now that was what she wanted to hear.
“I’ll give you everything that I have.” His promise.
She smiled at him. “I know.”
“And I will love you long past this life.”
He was seriously going to make those tears start. Ah, hell. Who was she kidding? They’d already started. She was past the misting stage.
Leaning forward, Jade pressed her lips to his. This kiss wasn’t as desperate as the one before, but the need still flowed between them. She could taste the salt of her own tears in the kiss.
As she kissed him, her fingers slid down between their bodies. She found the bottom of his shirt and yanked it up. Their mouths parted only long enough for her to toss the shirt to the floor.
“I love you,” he whispered before their lips met again.
I love you.
Her hand pressed over the thick bulge of his erection. He’d always made her want, far more than any other man.
But then, he wasn’t just a man.
She unsnapped his jeans and lowered the zipper. His cock sprang forward. Heavy and full, right into her hands.
One day, she’d love to have his child. A child with his bright eyes and slow smile.
But maybe his smile wouldn’t always be so slow. Perhaps one day, happiness would come easily to him. And to her.
One day.
She didn’t want long foreplay then. Didn’t want anything but his mouth on hers, kissing her so softly but deeply, and his cock filling her body.
Az positioned his shaft at the entrance to her body. She was more than ready for him.
With one smooth thrust, he slid deep into her sex. She gasped into his mouth because the fullness felt so good. Everything with him felt good.
She rose slowly and stared down at him. His cock stretched her inside—a wicked good pressure—as he grew even bigger. She tightened her inner muscles around him. Held even tighter.
The nightmares were over for them.
Life was finally beginning.
His fingers closed around her hips, and he lifted her up. The length of his flesh stroked right along her clit, and she smiled at the surge of pleasure.
Then she pushed down on him, and he filled her even better than before.
She didn’t look away as she rose and fell on him. His eyes burned up at her, but he didn’t take control of the pleasure.
Neither did she.
This time, they were equal. Giving. Taking.
Her breath panted faster as her heart thundered in her chest. His pupils widened, seeming to make his eyes go pitch black.
Her knees pushed into the bed. He picked up the tempo with her as his hips plunged harder.
Jade’s fingers stroked over his chest. Found his tight nipples and stroked them. His cock jerked within her in eager response.
The need built. The tension tightened. The pleasure waited just out of her reach.
She leaned toward him and her hair slipped over his skin. Jade had to kiss him. Had to feel his lips on hers when the pleasure swept over them both.
Her lips touched his. His tongue slid into her mouth, skimming right over her lower lip.
Then he was rising up, holding her tight, even as he kept his lips on hers and his cock in her. He sat on the bed, his legs balancing her so that they faced each other.
The position drove his cock even deeper into her. I like that—like it a whole lot.
Her hands curled around his shoulders, and she kept kissing him. Rising, falling, taking him inside as far as he could go.
Jade’s fingers slid along his back. Traced the heavy scars that had made him into the being that he was. Az shuddered beneath her touch, and his thrusts became rougher.
She’d told him before that she wouldn’t break.
Jade stroked him again. Again and again and knew that later, she’d kiss those scars on his back. But for now . . .
The climax slammed into her. It blinded her with a wave of pleasure so intense that her heart seemed to stop.
And Az was with her. As he came inside her, Az held her even tighter.
Her lips lifted from his, and she stared just over his shoulder at the shadow of his wings. Wings that she couldn’t touch, not really, but wings that marked him as what he was.
An angel cast out.
An angel that she loved.
The pleasure slid away so slowly. She shivered as her sex contracted in a little aftershock around him.
There were more questions that she needed to ask. More truths that she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to hear. But for now, she had him.
He loved her.
And that was all she needed.
They went to Sunrise that night. The club was closed. Marked off with yellow police tape. No thick line of eager humans waited to slip inside and dance with danger.
Az figured they’d be back. Sooner or later, they always came back.
He and Jade eased under the tape. A hard shove of his hand had the club’s front door opening. The inside of Sunrise was hollowed out and blackened from the fire. He stared at the floor, remembering what it was like to be trapped while Jade was dragged away.