Actual Stop (Agent O’Connor #1)(56)

Cheers and groans erupted from the watching throng, followed by some good-natured ribbing of the guys who’d just been beaten in a drinking contest by a girl. I laughed and motioned to Sean to get me my Harp and a glass of water.

Though the number of women in law enforcement was steadily rising, it was still mostly a man’s world, and a lot of men, unfortunately, continued to have trouble sharing the field. I’d found two surefire ways to gain their respect and acceptance: kick someone’s ass or drink them under the table. It helped a lot if you could do both. I was much better at the drinking part, but I wasn’t above fighting dirty in either arena, especially if it meant I was going to win. However, I’d noticed most of the guys handled it better when I outdrank them than when I beat them up. Go figure.

“I knew you could do it.” Rico threw one arm around my shoulder and squeezed.

I shoved him playfully. “That wasn’t fair, and you know it. Why’d you goad them all into a bet they couldn’t possibly win?”

“Hey, it isn’t like you’re a secret ringer or anything. It’s their own damn fault if they overestimate their own drinking abilities and bet against you.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Ryan!” a high, musical female voice squealed.

A petite blonde launched herself into my arms and nearly knocked the wind out of me. Then two deceptively strong hands mashed my face, and someone kissed me rather soundly on the lips.

“I’m so glad you’re finally here,” the woman exclaimed, snuggling up next to me. “I’ve been waiting forever.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Allison staring at us with an odd expression, but when I turned my head to look at her fully, she’d already glanced away. I hooked one arm around my assailant’s shoulder and glanced at Rico.

“How much has she had to drink?”

Rico shrugged, his face split by a sly grin. “I don’t keep track of my wife’s alcohol consumption. You know that. Makes it easier for me to take advantage of her.”


“Hey, you can take advantage of her, too.” Rico grinned lasciviously. “As long as I get to watch.”

I backhanded him lightly in the stomach. “Pig.”

“Yup.” He seemed proud of the label.

“Hey, Paige.” I allowed myself to make a lingering examination of the woman. “You look absolutely gorgeous. I might actually make a move on you tonight.”

Paige beamed, all pearly white teeth and sparkling blue eyes, and I knew my comment had had the desired effect. Okay, I’ll admit it, I was flirting. But that had absolutely nothing to do with threesomes or getting laid. I swear.

Rico and I had been partners back when I was in the Counterfeit Squad. We’d been undercover together on what’d turned out to be the biggest investigation of the year. Not just for New York, but Service-wide. And when I say “together,” I mean we’d posed as a couple at a posh Latin nightclub, whose owner had been suspected of printing counterfeit bills in extremely large numbers and giving them back as change, as well as selling them to other people to use however and wherever they wanted.

The assignment had translated to a lot of nights when Rico didn’t go home until the wee hours of the morning, and Paige had apparently been jealous of all the time Rico and I were spending together. In what he’d deemed a move of pure brilliance, Rico had decided to diffuse his wife’s insecurity by having her meet me.

Working in a male-dominated field for as long as I had, I’d gotten used to women being suspicious of all the time I spent with their men. I found it laughable. I had less than no interest in men in general, let alone their men specifically, but I couldn’t blame them for being wary. Not with the rumors circulating in the public about what goes on in this agency.

More often than not, the women calmed down as soon as the guys explained I was irrevocably gay, but in a few cases, it’d taken a bit more than that. Trial and error had taught me that flirting with them would effectively reassure them I had absolutely no designs on their mates. It was a fine line to walk, and I could take it further with some than with others, but the tactic hadn’t failed me yet.

While I had to use varying levels of attention to placate all the wives or girlfriends I’d encountered, Paige actually flirted back. Mercilessly and with great enthusiasm.

Now she favored me with a coquettish smile as she slowly looked me up and down. “Dressed like that, I think I might let you.”


She blew me a kiss. “You love it.”

“So, how’ve you been? I didn’t expect to see you here tonight.”

Paige made an impatient motion with her hand. “Ha! Like I was gonna miss your big celebration.”

“Paige, it’s not that big a deal, really.”

Paige’s stare indicated she thought I was being an idiot. “Your first PPD visit as counterpart? It’s a huge deal. Rico and I are gonna buy you a drink.”

“You’re just trying to get me drunk.”

“Damn right I am. You play hard to get when you’re sober.”

“How do you know I’m easy when I’m bombed?”

“Wishful thinking.” She turned to Rico. “Baby, can you get us some shots?”

“Sure. What would you ladies like?”

Kara A. McLeod's Books