28 Days(39)
Quinten flinched, dipping his head so Alex wouldn’t see how much it hurt. Not only couldn’t she remember him, but she was out there right now trying to get her memories back. He hoped that she did. He wanted and needed to see her just one more time before...
“If it helps, she dreamt about you last night.”
That got his attention and his eyes snapped back to his brother.
“Go on.” Quinten waited impatiently for Alex to tell him.
“Saige was tired at breakfast and wouldn’t go into detail, but she looked visibly shaken. She finally admitted to dreaming about you. I got the impression that it was, um, one of those dreams.” Alex cleared his throat and offered him an embarrassed smile. “I think Christina is hiding something. She certainly influenced Saige into choosing your image when she was asked.”
Saige hadn’t been the only one to dream last night. He’d lain awake for hours before he managed to fall back asleep. In a way, he hated having dreams about Saige because it made him realize all the more what he’d lost.
“Christina hated me being with Saige. She also hated the fact that you’d tease her before knocking her back.”
Alex wouldn’t meet his gaze. “She’ll talk.”
“Alex,” Quinten growled, “don’t go doing something you’ll regret.” His brother was hot headed and had a habit of acting before thinking. “The last thing I want is for you to end up in jail and for Saige to be alone out there.”
Alex smirked. “Are you only concerned about Saige, bro?”
“Dammit.” Quinten tried to control his temper at his brother. “You know damn well that I love you. You’re the only family I have...but I love Saige as well. Hell, God knows what can of worms she’s going to open by doing what she’s doing...you as well.”
“You mean trying to save your ass?”
“Yes.” Quinten hated knowing that Saige was out there and vulnerable. “Whoever took her is still out there and if the wrong person finds out what she’s doing...I don’t even have to say it...it’s obvious. Just watch her back as though it’s mine.”
Alex shook his head and his eyes filled with guilt. “I didn’t do such a good job with yours.”
“There was nothing you could have done. Once they had the DNA results back they didn’t look for anyone else.” And wasn’t that the truth. He’d been guilty in their eyes regardless of what he said. Detective Robinson had been the one to question everything. Jocelyn, his ex-wife, hadn’t helped with her lies. He didn’t think that she’d have known the truth if it had jumped up and bit her on the ass.
“You heard about Jocelyn?” Quinten asked, and watched Alex wipe a hand down his face as though he was exhausted.
“Yeah. Detective Robinson showed up in Port Jude and told Saige and me...” He glanced around the room, his eyes falling on the barred window that overlooked an exercise yard. “A woman was murdered five nights ago as well,” he added, his voice raw with emotion.
Quinten frowned. “What does that have to do with me?”
“I don’t know. Her name was Fern Jordan and she worked for Daniel Sterling. Detective Robinson thinks both Jocelyn and Fern’s murders are connected in some way to you. I don’t see how.” Alex raised a questioning brow to him.
“I never met Fern, and I don’t think I’ve heard her name before.”
“Didn’t think so,” Alex admitted but avoided his gaze again as his eyes swept the room.
“What’s going on with you?” Quinten asked, wondering if his brother lied to him.
He used to be able to tell when Alex lied because he’d avoid looking at him, and he’d twitch, which he did now.
“Nothing,” Alex replied and laughed. “Seriously, I’m okay. But I do need to talk to you about Saige.”
“Five minutes,” the guard informed them.
Quinten nodded to acknowledge that he’d heard.
“What about Saige?” Quinten asked.
“I’m not sure it’s a good idea that she comes here.” Alex waved his arms around. “Are you sure you want her to see you in this place?”
He closed his eyes because he wanted to be selfish and say yes.
“I don’t think it would do her any good coming here. This place takes it out of you. I wouldn’t want any girl I cared about seeing me in this place.”
Quinten’s anger rose as he listened to his brother. At least Alex could leave when he wanted. There was only one way Quinten was leaving.
“I don’t even know if she wants to come and visit me,” he said, his anger leaking out.
“Robinson agreed to bring her. He’ll be able to get her in, but I want you to refuse.”
“She’s too damn sweet to be in this place,” Alex admitted.
“If she wants to come then...I look forward to seeing her.” Quinten stood and shuffled toward the guard.
He refused to look back at his brother. He was angry and wondered what the f*ck was going on between Alex and Saige.
* * *
* * *
“Well…well…well, if it isn’t the whore...”