28 Days(36)

“You’re thinking that her death is connected to Quinten,” Saige observed. “Why?”

Alex’s head snapped around to Coulter. “Connected? How? Quinten was locked away then.”

“I know it wasn’t Quinten, and I’ve never been completely sold on the idea that Quinten was guilty of the murders and your kidnapping.” He nodded toward Saige. “There’s always been something that niggled at me about the case. But everyone else got hung up on his DNA. Getting back to Jocelyn and how she was found, I think whoever put her there went back and uncovered enough so that she’d be found. I don’t believe in coincidences.”

Saige looked surprised, but Alex became angry. He stood with his fists flexed at his sides before he turned and started pacing.

As Coulter watched Alex walk out his aggression, he debated showing them a picture of the girl they found to see if she was familiar. So far, they had no leads on her identification and his gut churned with the knowledge that she was connected somehow to all this.

He was going completely out on a limb with Saige and Alex by discussing his doubts and the case, but he was willing to trust them because they all wanted the same thing—the truth.

Pulling out his cell, he unlocked the screen and before he could change his mind, opened up the image of the young woman’s face. Amber had cleaned her up the best she could and the sheet had been pulled up to her chin. His stomach rolled when he thought of the ruin below that sheet…the bastard had been angry and violent. If he did nothing else, he needed to get justice for her—the victim.

“I want to ask you to take a look at this picture.” He kept his cell to his chest while he spoke. “And tell me if you recognize her.”

Saige eyed him warily while Alex just stared at him.

“She’s dead?” Alex asked.


“Okay,” Saige agreed, and stepped closer to him. “Let me see.”

He slowly turned his cell, second-guessing his instinct as he did. Her eyes widened, her face paled and a gasp hissed from her lips as she covered her mouth. “Alex?” She could barely get any sound out. “It’s Fern.”

Until Saige had identified the victim, Alex hadn’t looked all that interested, but he did now as he took two long strides and took Coulter’s cell from his fingers.

“What the f*ck?” Alex met Coulter’s gaze, shock clear in his eyes. “When?”

“She was found yesterday morning. The ME still doesn’t have an exact time of death. But from what she saw from the insects around the body, she’d say the victim had been dead for about four days…Who is she?”

“Fern Jordan,” Saige offered. “She worked for Daniel Sterling, Quinten’s defense attorney.” She swallowed and Coulter wasn’t sure if she was fighting down bile or tears. “I can’t believe she’s dead.” Her voice wavered. “We only spoke briefly when we went and met with Daniel.”

Coulter’s eyes snapped to Saige. “She was part of Quinten’s defense team? I don’t recognize her.”

“No,” Alex added. “She started at Daniel’s firm about twelve months ago...How did she die?” Alex gulped, which told Coulter more than he thought Alex wanted him to know.

“The same way as Jocelyn.”

“What?” Alex whispered. “Why? I don’t believe Jocelyn and Fern knew each other.”

“How well did you know her?”

Alex hesitated. “Not well.”

“But you knew her.” He held Alex’s gaze, making no mistake as to what he meant.

Alex stepped away and tugged at his hair. “We f*cked around a few times. Nothing more.”

Just as Coulter thought.

Saige stayed quiet, seemingly lost in thoughts of her own, so he carried on questioning Alex.

Coulter didn’t believe Alex had anything to do with Fern’s death, but he’d been wrong before.

“When was the last time you ‘f*cked around’ with Fern?”

Alex looked tormented but then answered, “Three weeks ago.”

And now Alex had lied to him. Why?

“Fern’s connected as well. First Quinten’s ex-wife, and now a woman from his defense attorney’s office is dead. What if there are other women who have died that have some sort of connection, but you never got their cases?” Saige asked, interrupting Coulter’s interrogation.

“I already have someone working on that back in Tampa,” Coulter answered.

“I’ve also been thinking, and I was wondering if you can arrange for me to visit Quinten.” Saige worried at her lip.

“Are you sure?” Alex crouched beside Saige, he was the one who seemed unsure. “Once you’ve seen him in that place, you won’t ever get it out of your head.”

“I’m sure, Alex. I want my memory back and I’m hoping that seeing him will help them return. I need to see him.” She bit her lip. “But what if he doesn’t want to see me? I named him as my abductor.”

Coulter held Saige’s begging gaze. “I’ve spoken with Quinten, and I know he wants to see you. The warden already has paperwork from Quinten requesting you have visitation rights.”

“Really?” Saige smiled.

“Yes, really. It will be a few days before it’s authorized though, so hang in there.”

Lexi Buchanan's Books