One of Us Is Dead(76)

She smiled as I disappeared through the curtains. I found Olivia sitting in a chair, sipping a glass of champagne. Jenny was rearranging her station, even though everything was already in place. Keisha stood from her chair, and her face lit up when she noticed I was standing there. We exchanged pleased smiles. I was wearing loungewear. I would get dressed for the party back at the house with Mark.

“Nice to see you, Karen,” Olivia said coyly.

I grabbed the small red Saint Laurent purse from inside my larger bag. I walked to Olivia and tossed it in her lap. “Here. You forgot your purse at my house.” The purse was actually mine, but it was filled with the money I “owed” her.

“That was sweet of you to bring this to me. I so appreciate it. I was looking for this purse. It goes perfect with my outfit,” she lied. I rolled my eyes and took a seat at Keisha’s station. Keisha handed me a glass of red wine. Our fingers touched for a moment, and it caused my lips to curve upward. She returned the smile and patted my shoulder.

“What are you dressing up as?” Keisha asked.

“A sexy skeleton.”

“No way. That’s what I’m going as, Karen. There can’t be two of us,” Olivia pouted. I looked at her in the mirror.

“Well, I already bought my costume. So, feel free to change.” I smirked.

Olivia took another drink and let out a huff. “You knew I was going as that. I told you the other day.”

“I must have forgotten.”

She raised her chin at me. “It’s fine. I’m sure I’ll look better.”

“You’re right. I’m sure you’d look so much better as a skeleton.” I twisted up my lips and rolled my eyes.

“What do you want to do with your hair?” Keisha asked.

“Nothing. I’m wearing a wig. For the makeup: whatever Olivia’s having done, I’ll have, but better.” I laughed.

I didn’t care anymore. I had had it with Olivia. I was no longer playing nice with her. She was dead to me.

The front door chimed.

“Hey, y’all,” Crystal said as she entered the salon. Her voice was more twangy than usual. Jenny walked to her and gave her a hug.

“Hello, Crystal. Is Bryce ready for tonight?” Olivia asked.

“I’m sure he is.” Crystal followed Jenny and took a seat at her station. Jenny wrapped a cape around her and then poured her a glass of champagne.

“How does the house look?” Jenny asked.

Crystal’s eyes lit up. “It looks amazing. Everything came together perfectly,” she gushed.

“And everything’s all set for tonight?” I asked.

“It is,” Crystal said with a nod.

The makeup artist was outlining Olivia’s lips with skeleton teeth, so fortunately for the rest of us, she couldn’t talk.

“I can’t wait to see it!” Jenny combed through Crystal’s long blond locks.

“You’re going as a cowgirl, right?” I confirmed, glancing over at Crystal while keeping an eye on Keisha. I could never take my eyes off her.

Crystal shook her head. “Nope. Changed my mind. I’m going as Sandy from Grease.” She smiled at herself in the mirror.

“That’s perfect,” Jenny said. “I’ll put in really tight curls.”

“And I’ll do a smoky eye and dark-red lips when Jenny’s done with your hair,” Keisha said.

Olivia tried to mumble something, but the makeup artist told her to stop moving. That was probably the toughest thing Olivia ever had to do . . . keep her mouth shut.

“What about you?” Crystal took a drink from her glass and looked at Jenny in the mirror.

“Keisha and I are going as Cher and Dionne from Clueless.”

“Oh, that’s amazing. I love it.”

“And you, Karen?” Crystal glanced over at me.

“A sexy skeleton.”

“What about you, Olivia?” Crystal asked, looking in the mirror at Olivia who was still getting makeup applied to her lips. She tried to answer, but it came out all mumbled.

“She’s going as a sexy skeleton too,” I answered for her. “She copied me.”

Olivia groaned.

“You could always change . . . your costume.” Crystal raised her eyebrow. Olivia rolled her eyes and moaned again.

“Yeah, there’s still time to uncopy me,” I said with a laugh.

“Okay, all done. But keep your mouth closed for five minutes while everything dries. Otherwise, I’ll have to redo it,” the makeup artist said to Olivia. She made a grunting sound and pulled out her phone, setting a timer for five minutes.

The front door chimed again.



I said hello to Mary and waltzed right to the back. The wives were already there, getting their hair and makeup done. I greeted them all, even Olivia. Olivia nodded and didn’t say a word. Her face was done in full skeleton makeup. It looked quite striking and beautiful.

“Wow, Olivia. Death looks good on you.” I chuckled as I made my way to the drink table. I poured myself a nice, tall glass of wine and set it down. I turned back to Olivia. “What? Nothing to say?”

“She can’t talk until her makeup dries,” Karen said.

Jeneva Rose's Books