One of Us Is Dead(75)

I bit my lower lip. “You have no idea what I can do.”



“You ready for this?” I asked as I straightened up the refreshment table in the middle of the salon.

Keisha finished wiping down her station. “Can we cancel?” she said with a laugh.

“I wish.”

I looked around the salon to make sure everything was in place. We had a few contract SFX makeup artists and manicurists set up as Keisha and I wouldn’t be able to handle it all by ourselves. We had already finished nearly all our full-time clients this morning, and we only had Olivia, Crystal, Karen, and surprisingly, Shannon—who made a last-minute appointment with us—left. I wasn’t keen on seeing Olivia, but she had phoned earlier, explaining her behavior the other night. She said Dean had an emergency and that she would reimburse us for the night out and clear up her membership fees. I had a feeling she was full of shit, and I was tired of her excuses, but Keisha and I were also attending the party, so I figured I had better play nice . . . at least for tonight.

“You’re right, Keisha.”

She gave me a look that said, Who, me? “I’m not sure what you’re referring to, but I won’t argue with that.” She laughed as she set out glasses for wine and cocktails.

“I mean, you were right about me hiring another person and taking time for myself. I’m going to do just that. After this party, I’m only working forty hours a week, fifty tops.”

“What made you decide that?” Keisha raised an eyebrow.

I shrugged my shoulders. “Life’s just too short. For all I know, I could die tonight, and I don’t want my legacy to be an upscale salon for catty middle-aged women. When I die, I hope I leave behind people that truly loved and cared for me.”

Keisha walked over to me. “You have me. But I know what you mean.” She smiled, pulling me in for a hug. “I’m going to hold you to that,” she whispered.

“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

The front door chimed, and Olivia emerged from behind the curtains like a bat flying out of hell.

“Converting another one, I see,” Olivia said, pulling a pair of oversized sunglasses down her nose and off her face. We ignored her quip. Keisha patted my back and told me she was proud of me.

Olivia slid her glasses into her bag and took off her coat, tossing it at Mary without even looking. It landed right on Mary’s face. Mary groaned, straightened herself out, and returned to the front, carrying Olivia’s coat.

“Was that necessary?” Keisha asked.

Olivia ignored her. She probably hadn’t even realized what she had done to Mary, but then again, knowing her, I’m sure she did.

“Let’s get started. What are you dressing up as?” I asked, trying to get this over with as quickly as possible.

“Not so fast. I’ll have a drink first, and I’d like to settle my debt.” Olivia put up a finger, then dropped her hand into her oversized bag, pulling out a wad of cash. She held it out to me. “It’s six thousand dollars. You can count it if you’d like.”

“Not necessary.” I walked to her and took the money. Keisha begrudgingly handed her a glass of champagne.

Olivia smiled and sipped her drink. “Perfect. Everything is settled. Now, I’m going as a sexy skeleton. I’d like big voluminous hair, sky-high eyelashes, and perfect skeleton makeup.”

I nodded. “All right. Have a seat. One of the SFX artists will take care of the makeup, and I’ll do your hair after.”

Olivia plopped her skinny ass in a chair. Her head was held high as she clutched her drink, slowly bringing it to her lips. She was comfortable and at peace, almost like she knew everything was going to be just fine, like all the pieces in her life had fallen perfectly into place. She took another drink, emptying it, then tapped her long nails on the glass. Keisha rolled her eyes and refilled it, then filled a glass for herself and one for me. As she handed it over, she whispered, “You’re going to need this.” I smiled at her and took a drink. Keisha leaned against her station and fiddled with her phone.

“Where are the rest of the ladies?” Olivia glanced around.

“They should be here shortly. Shannon’s coming too. She called me earlier.” I raised an eyebrow.

“That’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard,” Olivia said with an obnoxious laugh. “But it should make for some good entertainment.”

“Yeah, you sure like to be entertained,” I said just above a whisper as I pulled out several sets of curlers and cans of hairspray.

“What are you two going as?” Olivia took a sip of her drink.

Just as I was about to answer, she interrupted, “The help?” She let out a loud cackle. Keisha shook her head, biting back her anger.

“I’m just teasing, of course,” she said through her deep throaty laugh.

“We’re going as Cher and Dionne from Clueless.” My voice was as patient and calm as it could be.

Olivia opened her mouth, ready for another rude remark, but closed her bloated lips just as the front door chimed.



“Go on back,” Mary said as I entered the salon.

“Thanks so much, Mary.”

Jeneva Rose's Books