One of Us Is Dead(64)

Jenny looked at him and then back at me. “You’re right, I’ll go talk to him.” She raised her chin. She knew I was picking on her, but she was defiant. Grabbing her drink, Jenny got up from her seat and made her way over to him. I let out a huff. Little Miss Goody Two—Shoes.

“Get him, girl,” Keisha hollered. Jenny turned back for a moment, delivering a small flirty smile. She took a seat at the bar next to him and immediately made conversation.

“Good for her,” Karen said.

“He could use a little styling but aside from that, he’s not bad.” Keisha looked him up and down.

“They have a lot in common already,” I said with a laugh. “We should dance,” I added, half standing up, moving my upper body, and feeling the music.

“Uh . . . let me finish my drink first,” Crystal said awkwardly. She didn’t look like the type of woman that could move her hips. She must be a total bore in bed. Poor Bryce.

“Yeah, me too,” Keisha and Karen said at the same time. I grabbed Crystal’s drink and slammed it. I grabbed Keisha’s drink and slammed it. I grabbed Karen’s drink and slammed it. They each gave me a disapproving look.

“There. You’re finished. Let’s go!” I got up from my seat and grabbed Crystal and Karen’s hands. Karen pulled Keisha along too. I started dancing, shimmying my chest and swaying my hips with the girls begrudgingly in tow. Before I made it to the center of the dance floor, I spotted Shannon sitting at a table alone and it stopped me dead in my tracks. My lips instantly curved into a toothy grin as I walked over to her.

“Hey, Shannon. What brings you here?” I leaned over her like a dark shadow. Karen and Keisha greeted Shannon with hugs. Crystal awkwardly waved at her but kept a step away from the table.

“I’m actually meeting someone,” Shannon said.

“We know.” Karen smiled. “A hot date!”

Before Shannon could respond, I jumped in. “Where is he?” I raised an eyebrow.

She looked around uncomfortably. “He’s running late.”

“That’s a bummer,” Keisha said.

“Do you want to join us while you wait?” Karen put a hand on her shoulder.

“No, that’s fine. He should be here any minute,” Shannon said, looking down at her phone.

“Oh, come on. I insist.” I smiled.

“Yeah, come sit with us.” Karen playfully pulled on Shannon’s arm.

“All right, just until he gets here.”

We walked back to the booth and took our seats. Jenny was still chatting with that poorly dressed man. She’s lucky I came into her life because she clearly has bad taste. What would Glow be without me? It’d probably be out of business, and Jenny would be some hairstylist in a Walmart salon. These women just didn’t value me. I was sure I’d be like Van Gogh or Amy Winehouse, appreciated and recognized for my greatness after my death.

“Jenny,” I yelled across the bar. She turned back and put her finger up as if to tell me to wait. Who did she think she was? I waited for no one.

“Jenny,” I called even louder this time. Crystal covered her little country ears, acting as if I was speaking too boisterously for a bar atmosphere.

She turned around again and mouthed, “What?”

“Come here. Shannon’s here.” I pointed at Shannon. Keisha and Karen gave me WTF looks. Shannon waved. Jenny pulled out her phone. It appeared she and the man were exchanging numbers. They smiled at each other. She grabbed her drink and returned to our table, giving Shannon a hug and taking a seat.

“Shannon’s just waiting for her date,” I said.

“He’s a bit late,” Shannon confirmed.

“That’s okay. I’m sure he’s just caught up.” Jenny patted the top of her hand.

She nodded but continued to scan the bar for her mystery man.

I let out a small laugh. “Are you ready for your party, Crystal?”

She nodded and took a drink. “I just have a few more things to plan, but it looks like everything is in order.”

“I’m definitely excited for it. It’s going to be the party of the year, since the gala was a bust. What’s everyone going to dress up as?” I glanced around.

Shannon rolled her eyes but pretended not to be a part of the conversation as she checked her phone.

“Haven’t decided on anything yet,” Karen said.

Keisha and Jenny nodded.

“What about you, Shannon?” I asked, full well knowing she had no intention of going. I found the whole thing hilarious—being invited to a housewarming party at your former house by your ex-husband and his new wife.

“I’m not sure I’m going to be able to make it,” Shannon said.

“Why not?” I brought my drink to my lips.

Shannon swirled her Chardonnay and took a small sip.

“That’s completely fine. I understand,” Crystal butted in.

Shannon nodded at her, checked her phone again, and glanced around.

“Wow, your date sure is late, isn’t he?” I pretended to look around the bar.

“Yeah, he is,” she said with disdain in her voice.

“I’m sure he’ll be here.” Karen offered more encouragement and false hope.

“Maybe he came in and saw you and left.” I laughed. The girls shot daggers at me. “I’m kidding. Lighten up. Jeez.” I stood from my seat. “I’m going to the bathroom. Watch my stuff.”

Jeneva Rose's Books