One of Us Is Dead(62)

“Get in, loser. We’re going drinking,” she said, giving her best Regina George impression. However, it wasn’t much of an impression, considering being mean and female were her two greatest strengths. I gave a partial smile and walked to the limo. Olivia disappeared inside, slinking back into her seat. Just as I arrived at the door, the driver was there to open it. I shuffled in and was greeted with a drink.

Crystal, Olivia, Keisha, and Jenny were all seated in the limo, holding glasses of champagne and wearing Buckhead smiles.

The driver closed the door behind me. “Let the party begin,” Olivia declared. She downed her glass. We followed suit with far less enthusiasm.

I scanned the limo to gauge everyone’s face. I tried making minimal eye contact with Keisha. As I finished my sweep, I landed back on Olivia and was met with a grin fit for only the devil herself.

“How’s it going, Karen? Anything new with you?” The end of her question was laced with the implication that she already had her own answer to this inquiry.

“Just was finishing up some paperwork and spending time with Riley before our bacchanal this evening.”

“How sweet of you. Mother of the year if I ever saw one.” She smiled back at me, closing our interaction.

“Did you invite Shannon?” Jenny asked from the other end of the limo.

“Of course, darling. This is your night after all. However, she had a prior engagement, if you will, that may or may not involve a gentleman caller.” Olivia winked.

Olivia’s knowledge of Shannon brought out gasps and whispers from each of us.

“She’s going out on a date?” Keisha asked.

“Good for her,” Jenny encouraged.

“Yeah, I’m happy for her,” Crystal said.

“I can’t believe she didn’t tell us.” I crumpled up my face. “She told you?”

“She did. But Shannon was very sorry to miss your night out, Jenny.” Olivia refilled her glass. “Who wants more champagne?”

We each held out our glasses to Olivia, waiting for her to pour ours. Instead, she handed the bottle off to Keisha, tasking her to replenish the drinks. I shook my head. For a moment there, Olivia almost had me fooled.



We finally pulled up to Death & Company. The limo ride had only been twenty minutes, but with Olivia, everything seemed so much longer. The conversation on the way was filled with awkwardness between Keisha and Karen, snappy and double-edged remarks from Olivia, and peacekeeping comments from Jenny. I stayed quiet for the most part, only answering questions that were directed toward me—like when Olivia asked about how Bryce felt that Shannon was dating again. Bryce didn’t know Shannon was dating again, and frankly, I thought he would be relieved to learn that. Perhaps it would ease the tension between me and Shannon. And maybe someday we could have a relationship or at least be in the same room without her jumping down my throat.

“Let’s go, bitches,” Olivia said as she exited the limo. I caught Keisha shaking her head as she followed her out. Olivia handed the driver a one-hundred-dollar bill. We all resituated our dresses, ensuring everything was in place, and followed Olivia to the door. The bouncer didn’t even stop to ask her name. She handed him a one-hundred-dollar bill, and we instantly crossed beyond the red velvet rope.

The swanky cocktail bar was bustling. There were two bartenders with perfectly sculpted beards and a couple dozen patrons standing around. The place was ritzy and chic, like a 1920s throwback speakeasy, replete with red accent walls, rich wood, and dim lighting.

A woman dressed in all black, carrying a clipboard, greeted Olivia. “Right this way, Mrs. Petrov,” she said as she led us to a large VIP table off in the corner with a reserved sign. There were already glasses and ice buckets full of bottles of vodka, champagne, and white wine set out. We took our seats as the woman in black poured each of us a glass of champagne. “Do you need anything else right away?”

We all shook our heads, except Olivia. “Yes, we’ll have five shots of tequila with the wheels.”

I cringed. I had no intention of getting drunk tonight. I just wanted to have a drink or two and leave. But I already knew that was going to be tough to pull off with Olivia here calling the shots . . . literally.

“Count me out,” Jenny said.

“Absolutely not. This is your party, and it’s my treat. I insist. Come on, Jenny. Loosen up. No man wants to date a woman that’s stiff as a board.” Olivia’s voice had an air of lightness, but it was laced with annoyance.

Jenny dropped her shoulders and put her hands up. “Fine. One shot.”

Olivia clapped her hands with a job-well-done attitude.

“I’m trying to keep it low-key tonight too,” I said to Jenny, letting her know that she wasn’t alone. She gave me a small smile.

“No one is keeping it low-key tonight. I didn’t spring for a limo and VIP treatment at the most exclusive cocktail bar in town for a low-key night,” Olivia interrupted.

The shots arrived just as she finished lecturing. She raised hers and narrowed her eyes at each of us, her way of telling us to follow along. We raised our glasses slowly.

“To an extravagant night, courtesy of me,” Olivia toasted. Of course her toast would be to herself. We repeated her words anyway and tipped back the shot, forgetting about the lime and salt.

Jeneva Rose's Books