In the Company of Wolves (SWAT, #3)(42)

The moment they walked into the kitchen, she locked in on the two big bowls on the floor in the corner. “I thought I smelled a dog.” She looked around. “Where is he?”

“I share custody with the rest of the Pack,” he said. Then, when she gave him a confused look, added, “We picked up Tuffie a few months ago after she and her owner got shot by some psycho. Her owner didn’t make it, so we took her in. We all take turns bringing her home with us.”

Jayna smiled and looked wistfully at the bowls. “That’s so cool. I always wanted a dog when I was a kid. But with my screwed-up home life, getting a dog was out of the question.”

Becker never thought of himself as a softie, but his chest tightened up at her words. “Then I’ll make sure you get to meet Tuffie. In fact, we’ll make it a priority.” He put his arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the place.”

They wandered from the kitchen to the second bedroom, which was set up as his computer-room-slash-home-office. Jayna stopped in the doorway and stared at the four computers with their huge, oversized monitors.

“What the heck do you do with all these, spy on the NSA?”

He laughed. “Nah. I used to do work like that, but these days, I just play around on them. Kind of like a hobby, I guess.”

“A hobby, huh?” She lifted a brow. “Like hacking into Starbucks’s computers and the city’s video cameras so you could find me?”

“Exactly.” He grinned. “Some guys like to work on cars or do woodworking. I search for beautiful women who might want to bite me.”

She blushed. “I never intended to bite you. Shoot you, yes. But never bite you. At least not the first time we met. The desire to bite you came much later.”

Becker had a sudden image of Jayna nipping at his neck with those sexy canines of hers, a thought that immediately made his cock stiffen. He decided he’d better do something intelligent before he gave in to his animal urges and pulled her into his arms. He led her back toward the living room, intending to show her his killer TV and video game setup, but she stopped halfway there.

“What’s in here?” she asked, motioning her head toward the closed door.

“My bedroom,” he said, heading toward the living room again. “Nothing interesting in there.”

Not unless you counted his king-size bed. And while it wasn’t all that interesting on its own, he was already picturing her lying back on it, gloriously naked with her silky hair fanned out on the pillows. That image made his cock even harder.

He cleared his throat. “You want to try your hand at a few video games? I promise to take it easy on you.”

“I should be offended that you’re assuming I suck at video games.” Jayna plopped down on his big, comfy couch, then kicked off her flip-flops and sat cross-legged. “But since I don’t play them very much, you’re probably right.”

Becker made a quick detour into the kitchen to grab two bottles of water from the fridge, then powered up his game console and television.

“You sure the TV is big enough?” she teased as she sipped some water. “I’m not sure we’ll be able to see it clearly from here.”

He selected a simple race car game he thought would be good to start with. “It’s the biggest one I could get through the door.”

Her lips twitched. “Compensating for something, are we?”

He chuckled as he handed her a controller. “Yeah. Small apartment doors.”

Becker had spent a lot of time playing video games with the guys from the team, but as he and Jayna spent the next hour or so goofing off on his couch, he realized he’d never had more fun, even if Jayna was horrible at video games. She must have come to that conclusion too, and decided she needed to level the playing field by blowing softly in his ear and gently nipping at his neck in an effort to get him to mess up. Becker didn’t mind and didn’t have a problem returning the favor. Jayna let out a soft growl that did crazy things to his body, and he replied with a growl of his own when she tossed her controller on the coffee table and climbed into his lap to kiss him. He slapped the pause button on his controller and kissed her right back. This was much more fun than a video game any day.

He put his hands on her waist, trying to settle her into a position that wouldn’t bring her sweetly curved ass into constant contact with his hard-on, but it was futile. She buried her fingers in his hair with a moan and wiggled around until she was right back where she’d been before.

He groaned low in his throat, his hands sliding down to the curve of her hips. He could feel the heat from her body through his jeans and it was driving him insane. He should stop now before things went too far. But it was obvious that Jayna was enjoying herself as much as he was. If her rapid breathing, elevated pulse, and the slightly extended claws digging into his shirt hadn’t told him that, the scent of arousal pouring off her did.

She was definitely having fun.

That didn’t mean he wasn’t a little shocked when she grabbed the bottom of his shirt and started pulling it up like she was unwrapping a Christmas present.

“Whoa.” Becker dragged his mouth away to look at her. “You sure about this?”

She sat back, her lips curving into a shy smile. “I’m sure. But only if you’re okay with it.”

Paige Tyler's Books