The Museum of Desire: An Alex Delaware Novel(31)

Placing her palms together, she dropped them to her lap. “I’ll try to make this brief. Last night, I heard from a friend of mine about that hideous house on Benedict. She lives nearby, said there’d been police and reporters milling around Sunday morning and then a detective came to her house but wouldn’t tell her much.”

Milo said, “Unfortunately, we can’t give out details at the beginning stages.”

“She understood that, but still, it’s good to know what’s happening in your neighborhood, right? Anyway, she called me because she knew I’d once been there. Last January, a benefit for Daylighters, it’s a cancer advocacy group. I didn’t think much of it. Then I read the paper and it mentioned a mass shooting on Benedict Canyon and I said wow. Then I remembered something and figured I should tell you. But it’s probably not relevant.”

“Thanks for taking the time, ma’am.”

“Would you like some coffee? A biscuit?”

“Coffee would be great, thanks.”

“Black, cream, sugar, sweetener—stevia’s what I’ve got.”

“Black’s fine.”

“Certainly.” She poured and handed us cups. Grim but with steady hands. Nothing for herself. As we sipped, she took hold of her hair, drew it forward over her right shoulder and onto her chest. A dangling hand twisted the ends.

“So,” said Milo, “what happened when you were at the house?”

“Before we get into anything, I’d like to know something. If what I tell you does turn out to be relevant—and I don’t think it will—will I have to go to court or anything?”

Milo put down his cup and smiled. “We’re a long way from that, Ms. Kierstead.”

“You’re saying you don’t know who the—what do you call them—the perp is.”

“We’re just starting out, so anything you can tell us will be highly appreciated.”

“But still,” she said. “Going to court? I wouldn’t like that.”

“It’s unlikely that would be necessary. But honestly, we do need to hear what you have to say before that’s clear.”

“Okay. Makes sense…another thing. Sig—my husband—doesn’t know I’m doing this, so I’d appreciate if he doesn’t find out. At least for now.”

“No problem.”

She tapped her teeth. “All right, here goes. Daylighters is a small group. We require a minimum donation but we’re not snobby. I’m actually one of the youngest members. Mostly it’s Sig’s peers. His first wife passed from breast cancer.”

She licked her lips. “I guess I’m a bit nervous.”

“Take your time,” said Milo.

“Okay…what I’m trying to get across is we’re a well-behaved group, not some crazy party animals. Maybe what happened wouldn’t stand out in another setting but…back when I danced with the San Francisco Ballet, I saw all kinds of things…sorry, back to January. We call it The Newer Than New Year’s Fling. Two hundred or so good people, a grand buffet, champagne, full orchestra, dancing. To be honest, too classy for that house. It’s rather vulgar, isn’t it? And gloomy, all that gray stone.”

I said, “It is different.”

“Exactly. So. Everything was rolling along according to plan. I was on the steering committee, had to stay on top of things. So I circulated, checking. I can’t tell you how many times but several and on one of them it happened—I think I will have some coffee.”

She poured, sweetened, sipped, and placed the cup back in its saucer. “The property, we brought in lighting but not enough so it was dark in some of the distant spots. Mostly behind a gazebo, along the rear of the property. I wanted to make sure no one would go back there, trip and fall. Some of our people are on the elderly side.”

A well-shaped silver fingernail tapped the cup. She reached for a graham cracker, snapped it in two, studied both halves, and placed them next to the cup. “I heard it before I saw it. Heavy breathing, my first thought was, Uh-oh, someone did fall. So I hurried over.”

Deep inhalation. “I’m no prude but I was thrown pretty hard.” Eyelids lowered and rose. She gnawed her bottom lip. “Heavy breathing? You know what I’m getting at.”

Milo said, “Two people having sex?”

“Against the rear hedge. Standing up. The woman’s back was to me, her dress was up to her waist, and the man was…I’m sure I don’t need to draw you a picture.”

“No, ma’am.”

Candace Kierstead said, “I stopped in my tracks but he turned and saw me. And that’s when I got scared because he looked really angry. As if I was the intruder.”

Deep sigh. “I’d helped compile the invite list and this guy was not on it.”

“What about the woman?”

“I never saw her face but from the back she looked too…I’ll be perfectly frank, she looked too young. Young legs, at least. That’s not the Daylighters’ crowd. I’m a good ten years younger than every other woman in the group. These were definitely crashers. And he’s getting irate? I thought, How dare you! So I managed to collect my courage and came right out and said, ‘You need to stop this now and leave.’ Something to that effect. You’d think he’d be embarrassed and get moving. Just the opposite. He just gritted his teeth and kept going. Faster! So I ran off to get Sig but by the time I located him and got him back there, they were gone. And when I asked the security people, they had no clue. Sig said I shouldn’t make a fuss, it would poop the party. But now that something’s happened at the same place, I just thought I should tell you.”

Jonathan Kellerman's Books