The House Guest by Mark Edwards(62)

I remembered the first time I’d met her, in the lounge bar on the cruise ship. I had been sitting in the corner, writing, and she and Jack had sat at the next table, soon drawing me into a conversation. Mona must have realised I was Ruth’s boyfriend and had targeted me for information. Soon, she would befriend us both – or pretend to. It had happened just a few months ago, but it seemed like a lifetime.

‘From everything I’ve found out, I’m convinced he’s our guy,’ Wanda said. ‘He lives in his tower in Brooklyn, in the penthouse.’

I brought up Google Maps on my computer and found the address she had given me earlier. It was just a few miles north of Williamsburg. I switched to Street View, so I could see the tower. Fifty storeys of glistening glass and steel, though Street View only showed its base.

‘She’s there,’ I said. ‘Ruth. She has to be. So what’s the plan? Do we call the police?’

‘And say what? We think one of New York’s richest men is operating a cult out of his luxury building?’

‘But . . . if he’s holding Ruth against her will. And what about Callum’s daughter, Sinead?’

‘We have no proof Gabriel is holding anyone against their will. We have no proof of criminal activities at all.’

‘What about Brandon? Jesse’s friend? The one who was knifed in the park. They murdered him.’

‘Again, we have no proof that’s linked to Gabriel or his people.’

‘And Jack? Krugman shot him. Then got some poor sucker to confess to it.’

‘Adam, do you really want to go to the police right now and talk about Krugman? Are you out of your mind?’

She was right.

‘So what are we going to do?’ I asked.

‘I can start working on a story. Talk to more people. There must be cleaners, maintenance staff in that building we could talk to. We can go through Gabriel’s financial dealings, look for irregularities . . .’

‘No! That’s too slow!’ I stared at the map. ‘There must be something—’

I heard a car screech to a halt outside. A door slammed and then the car pulled away quickly, speeding off until I could no longer hear it.

I wouldn’t normally have thought anything of it – this was Brooklyn; it was noisy all the time – but in my heightened state of paranoia, I went over to the front window, still holding my phone, and looked down at the street.

There was a man standing outside the building. I could only see the top of his head, but as I watched he looked left then right before approaching the front door.

The buzzer rang.

At the same time, Wanda was saying something in my ear. I tuned in to hear her say, ‘I’ll call you back later.’

‘No, wait—’

But it was too late. She had hung up, and she had called me from a blocked number so I couldn’t ring back.

The buzzer sounded again. I returned to the window. After a few moments the man stepped away from the door – and looked up at me.

Our eyes met.

He was in his thirties, with dark hair. Chiselled. He looked like a film star. He stared at me, not moving, not breaking eye contact.

I raised my phone, zoomed in and took a photo of him.

He didn’t like that. He stepped out of my line of sight, back towards the apartment. I expected him to start pressing the buzzer again, but all was silent.

I went over to the front door of the apartment and peered out through the spyhole. Nothing.

I should call the police. But Wanda’s words echoed in my mind. How could I tell them what was going on without telling them about Krugman’s death?

The silence seemed to stretch on forever. Perhaps the man was gone. I went back over to the window and, fumbling with my phone, tried to call Callum. It went straight to voicemail. I left a message, then sent him a text, telling him there was someone here.

And then I heard it.

Scratching at the apartment door.

He was inside the building, trying to pick the lock.

Chapter 34

Ruth had been pacing for an hour, wondering if anyone was going to come and see her – Gabriel had promised he’d be back to continue their conversation from yesterday – when Eden came into the room.

Ruth started talking immediately. ‘Gabriel told me about Jack. Why didn’t you tell me?’

Eden hung her head. ‘Oh, Ruth. I’m sorry. I was planning to . . .’

‘Do you know when the funeral’s going to happen? I want to go. And I need to get in touch with Mona, to offer my condolences. Have you seen her? How is she?’

‘I spoke to her. She’s as you’d expect. The coroner has just released the body so I think the funeral is going to be in a few days’ time. We can go together. Assuming . . .’

‘Assuming what?’

‘Did Gabriel talk to you about us?’

‘He did.’

‘And how are you feeling about everything?’

Ruth laughed. ‘To be honest, I don’t understand it all. He was saying he can help me, that he wants me to join you, but I don’t get what that means. He said he can give me the world.’ She shook her head. It was such a grand statement – so vague and broad – that it was virtually meaningless.

‘Gabriel is a fan,’ Eden said.

Mark Edwards's Books