Good Bait (DCI Karen Shields #1)(82)
Was Letitia actually here?
And Danny?
He looked in vain for any sign of a scooter, an abandoned bicycle, a rubber ball, a toy.
The door opened again and a man came out: Anton Kosach, certainly. Taller than his brother, Taras, but similar features, the same dark eyes. His dark suit was well cut, the jacket unbuttoned, palest of pale blue shirts, no tie, soft, expensive shoes.
‘Mr Cordon …’ Kosach began. ‘Or should it be Inspector?’
‘Mister is fine.’
‘Not police business, what brings you here?’
A shake of the head.
‘Good. Welcome, then.’ He held out his hand.
The accent was only slight, the handshake firm and smooth.
Kosach studied Cordon’s face, then stepped back and offered him a cigarette and, when Cordon refused, lit one for himself. For a moment, soft smoke hung on the air.
‘Please, let us walk.’
The path led away from the house, between groomed shrubs with crocuses and a few late snowdrops lingering in the shade. ‘My brother says you are concerned about Letitia and I am not sure why this should be.’
‘Most times, when a woman has to be dragged back by force after being threatened and frightened half out of her wits, I’d say there’s some cause for concern.’
‘Threatened? Frightened? I don’t think so. And no one was dragged.’
‘Your thugs broke into the house in the middle of the night and beat the shit out of me before hauling Danny and Letitia back to where they didn’t want to be.’
‘Mr Cordon, those thugs, as you call them, are men I trust. And they assured me they used as little force as was necessary to release my wife and son.’
‘Your wife?’
Kosach halted. ‘Of course, what did you think?’
Cordon could only stare back at him, nonplussed.
‘And as for – what did you say? – being where they do not want to be …’ He gestured back towards the house with a sweep of his hand. ‘Why would they not want to be here? Where they belong.’
‘I know what she told me,’ Cordon said.
‘You heard, my friend, what you wanted to hear.’
When the path divided, they went towards a small stand of silver birch, a robin puffing out its chest on one of the branches until they came closer and it flew away.
‘It is true,’ Kosach said. ‘Letitia and I, there was an argument, a … misunderstanding, I think you would say. She is headstrong. If you know her at all, you will know this. Things were said.’ He shook his head. ‘All that is forgotten. You have, I think, this saying, forget and forgive.’
‘I want to see her,’ Cordon said.
‘I am afraid that is not possible.’
‘Hear her say in her own words this is where she really wants to be.’
Kosach looked at him through narrowed eyes and laughed. ‘Of course. All this time I thought you were some kind of father to her, you look after her, protect, you are policeman, after all, but no, you are in love with her yourself–’
‘The hell I am!’
‘You are in love with her and that is why you think she cannot be happy with someone else.’ He smiled. ‘Believe me, my friend, I understand.’
‘Yeah? Well, understand this, no way am I your f*cking friend.’
‘And now you are angry and upset.’
More than anything else, Cordon wanted to punch him in the mouth, shut out the supercilious, patronising crap, the accent that came and went. With an effort, he kept his hands to his sides.
The path circled back towards the house.
Neither man spoke again until they had arrived back at the main door.
‘I want to see her,’ Cordon said again.
‘And I have told you—’
‘She’s here?’
A pause. ‘Yes, she is here.’
‘Then let me speak to her. If she says the same as you, without duress, then that’s an end to it.’
‘An end?’
Kosach studied him again, staring at his face. ‘You are a man of your word?’
‘As much as any man.’
‘Very well. Wait here.’
Kosach went briskly inside and the two men who had searched Cordon reappeared and stood, arms folded, on the steps to either side of the door. The help living up to the stereotype, at least.
Five minutes shaded into ten.
Cordon shifted his balance from one foot to the other, flexing the muscles in his calves. A small jet of pain nagging, intermittently, at the base of his left leg, the foot. Achilles heel?
Kosach reappeared at the door.
‘Please. Come inside.’
Letitia stood in the curve of a stairway that swept up from an expanse of tiled floor. Pale, little make-up, some shadowing around the eyes, a bruising of colour across her mouth. Her hair had been dyed a darkish brown and held her face in a tight frame. No smile; no more than a hint of recognition in her eyes. Cordon wondered if she were ill, or merely very, very tired. The clothes she wore, drab shades of grey.
Barely a movement at the sound of her name, his voice.
‘Your friend, Letitia, he has a question to ask. He wants to know if you’re happy here. Are you happy, Letitia?’