A Madness of Sunshine(112)

I have to give a special -shout--out to Alison Shucksmith, who read a -pre--edited copy of this book and picked up an error I would’ve regretted very much had it gone to print.

Thank you to each and every one of you. I very much appreciate your time and willingness to share your knowledge. If there are any mistakes in this book, they are mine. The same with any artistic license taken.

To Cindy, Nephele, Erin, Elaine, Bridget, Rita, and Jessica, as well as all the incredible people behind the scenes at both Berkley and The Knight Agency, you’re amazing and I’m so lucky to work with you.

To my writing friends. Thank you for being so excited about this project from the very start.

And to my -family—-thank you. For so much.

Last but not least, thank you for picking up this book set in a remote part of what will be, for most of you, a distant country. Come visit. It’s lovely and dangerous and beautiful.


Nalini Singh's Books