Wrong About the Guy(77)

“I’m over Elton anyway,” Heather said, leaning back against her headboard—we had curled up on her bed with the laptop. “If all the kids are like you, they’d be smarter than me and I’d just feel stupid for four more years. Anyway . . . it was always more your choice than mine.”

I couldn’t argue with any of that. And didn’t.


Over the next few weeks, Aaron and Michael moved out of the hotel and into a huge and beautiful penthouse apartment in Santa Monica with a view of the ocean. Crystal kept the house. She and Michael were working out some kind of joint custody agreement, which for now mostly involved Megan’s carting the baby back and forth and having to take care of her in two different places. Crystal was going back to acting, Aaron said. He never saw her alone: one of the conditions of his getting to stay with his dad in LA was that he wouldn’t. He admitted to me that it was sort of a relief. He was over her.

Whatever Crystal felt about the whole thing remained a mystery: she was completely out of our lives. Mom and I did spend time with Mia when she was at Michael’s, though. She was still the world’s cutest baby, as far as I was concerned.

Arianna continued to tell everyone at school that I was stuck-up, and Riley continued to come rushing to report it to me no matter how much I made it clear I didn’t want her to, but none of this affected my life much. The kids who fawned over me because I was Luke’s stepdaughter still did; the ones who I’d always hung out with stayed loyal; the ones I didn’t know well may have believed Arianna but it didn’t matter: we had only one more semester together and I could survive a few dark looks and mutters for that long.

Right before Christmas, we finished collecting donations for the Holiday-Giving Program and handed out the presents at the annual party at the shelter. To my relief, Ben was civil—almost pleasant—to me when we were working together. I didn’t know whether he had softened because he knew he had been unfair to me or because Arianna was losing a little of her luster as a girlfriend, but I was glad either way. It made the whole thing more pleasant.

Luke wasn’t able to come to the party, but even if some people came hoping to see him (thanks to Arianna), they didn’t leave too disappointed. Once they got busy entertaining the little kids and handing out presents, most of the students had fun, and I knew a lot of them would sign up again next year—with or without a celebrity tease.

As we were cleaning up at the end, Ben told me, a little uncomfortably, that he thought we should make Arianna the president of the program for the following year, since she was the only junior who had run any part of it. I instantly agreed. He looked surprised, but I figured she had worked hard and earned her place at the top.

And I’d be at college. She couldn’t bug me there.

Aaron got accepted early to the USC film school, which was his first choice, so he was as relaxed as I was as second semester got under way. We got together a lot in the evenings when neither of us had any other plans, going out for frozen yogurt, drinking boba tea, trying new restaurants (Aaron got his father’s assistant to book us some of the hardest-to-get reservations in town, using Michael’s name), and being generally hedonistic and sugared-up.

George was never thrilled to hear I had plans with Aaron, but he wasn’t the kind of boyfriend who was going to tell me what I could or couldn’t do. (Not that I would have gone out with anyone who was.)

“It would be easier if he were just a little less cool and handsome,” he said once when I came over to his apartment after having dinner with Aaron. “Or if I were a little more cool and handsome.”

“Cool and handsome is overrated,” I said.

His smile was pained. “So you agree I’m neither?”

“You’re everything good and smart and funny and kind and wonderful and exciting and wonderful,” I said.

“But not cool or handsome.”

“And cool and handsome. And wonderful.”

“You said wonderful three times,” he pointed out, and then caught me against his chest and covered my mouth so I couldn’t say anything else for a while.

Spring came. Heather got into five of the seven colleges she’d applied to and freaked out over having so many choices. I pointed out that that was a good thing, but she still spent days agonizing and calling me constantly to discuss their different merits.

In the end, she didn’t pick the one in Connecticut, near where I’d be. She kept apologizing to me, explaining over and over again that her dad really wanted her to go to Steventon and it actually looked perfect and she felt less guilty making him pay for a college he was enthusiastic about, and repeatedly assuring me that it had been a tough decision, because she wanted to be near me. I told her it was totally fine. At this point I was just relieved and happy that she seemed excited about going off to school in the fall.

I had already met a bunch of my future classmates online and had found a few I really liked, including two who wanted to room together. They only knew me as Ellie Withers and had no idea Luke Weston was my stepfather, so their enthusiasm and interest seemed genuine, and I was feeling pretty optimistic about having a more normal social life in college than I’d had in high school.

Mom kept tweaking Jacob’s therapies, increasing his time with the ones she liked and pulling away from the ones she didn’t, and he was doing great, saying a ton more words and getting frustrated much less.

Claire LaZebnik's Books