Where the Staircase Ends(61)

To Mom, Dad and Mike for all the support throughout the years. I suppose I should also thank you for reading to me when I was little…I like to think that played a part in this whole “I want to write a novel” dream I’ve had. And the education. That helped too. :) Thanks always for everything.

I’m lucky to have wonderful friends in my life who keep me sane and happy. To the Literary Lushes and my Clorox Crew—thank you a million times over for giving me distractions when I needed them most. San Francisco’s a beautiful city, but you guys make it a wonderful place to live. Thank you. And to my Longhorn ladies—if you were a soup, you’d be miso. Because you make miso happy. (See what I did there Becky and Valini? That’s called a pun. It’s funny. Right?)

Last but never least (and perhaps most of all) a million thank yous to my wonderful husband. M+B forever.

And if by chance this book wanders into your hands, thank you for reading. I hope your stairs are long, and there are many interposing flies along the way.

Stacy A. Stokes's Books