Watch Us Rise(38)

Chelsea doesn’t respond, so I know this means she is not liking my idea.

“We need to switch it up a bit anyway. We can’t do the same thing every time.”

“We don’t always post the same thing,” Chelsea says.

“I know. I meant, I’m just saying maybe we can take the focus off us for a few posts. Share something about other feminists.”

Chelsea gives a hesitant “okay.”

“Trust me,” I tell her. “I’ve got some ideas.”


Posted by Jasmine Gray

Feminist Spotlight: Sarah Jones

Because there are contemporary artists creating work about what’s going on in today’s society.

Because there is power in inventing

and reinventing yourself.

Because the experiences of immigrants

need to be documented, honored.

Because women need a space to share their truths,

a space to be seen.

Because Sarah Jones is a Tony Award–winning playwright that everyone should know.

Today’s post features Sarah Jones, a biracial performer best known for creating multicharacter one-person shows that tell stories about sex trafficking, immigration, and human rights. Sarah Jones was born in 1973 and was educated at the United Nations International School and Bryn Mawr College. Here’s a quote from her TED Talk. Get to know her work and be inspired.

“To what extent do we self-construct, do we self-invent? How do we self-identify, and how mutable is that identity? Like, what if one could be anyone at any time? Well, my characters, like the ones in my shows, allow me to play with the spaces between those questions.”

—Sarah Jones


sophiamays liked this

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wondergirl reposted this

firenexttime commented: OMG. How many voices did she do in that TED Talk? Amazing.

writelikeagirl commented: Right? If you close your eyes, you really think there are different people talking.

brandilux commented: Heard your principal almost shut your blog down. Glad you two are still at it.

hearmeroar commented: I love that you’re highlighting contemporary artists. Not all poets and writers are dead white men. Yes!

harlemgirl14 commented: My mom took me to see her show at the Nuyorican Poets Café. SO GOOD.

robincanton commented: Art that matters, that makes a difference. Love this.

peaceandlove commented: Just when I thought your blog couldn’t get better.

principalhayes liked this


Posted by Jasmine Gray

Feminist Spotlight: Natalie Diaz

Because language is power.

Because language desires to survive.

Because nothing is singular.

Because Natalie Diaz is an award-winning poet

that everyone should know.

Today’s post features Natalie Diaz. Natalie Diaz was born in the Fort Mojave Indian Village in Needles, California. She is Mojave and an enrolled member of the Gila River Indian community. She has a BA from Old Dominion University, where she was awarded a full athletic scholarship. She played professional basketball in Europe and Asia before returning to Old Dominion, where she earned an MFA. She is the author of the poetry collection When My Brother Was an Aztec. Diaz has worked with the last speakers of Mojave and directed a language revitalization program.

Here’s a quote by Natalie Diaz. Get to know her work and be inspired.

“I don’t believe anything in me is singular. I need to be more than singular. I need to find myself in others, not as a mirror image, but as a wild thing, a thing that is in a forest beyond my self and your self. Maybe because I grew up on a reservation, or in a large family, or always on a team, or as less than 1% of the American population. Or maybe because I believe that the energy in me is the same energy in every other living thing. If I could remember this more, I might hurt people less. I might love people better.”

—Natalie Diaz


hearmeroar liked this

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sophiamays commented: This blog is the best! Learning so much about people I never heard of.

wondergirl reposted this

firenexttime commented: I want to get her poetry book ASAP. Love this!

robincanton liked this

harlemgirl14 commented: Read some of her poems online. She might be my new favorite poet.

peaceandlove reposted this

principalhayes liked this


Posted by Jasmine Gray

Feminist Spotlight: Reena Saini Kallat

Because no one should be forgotten.

Because ocean is body, body is ocean.

Because art is memorial, art is witness.

Because Reena Saini Kallat is an innovative visual artist that everyone should know.

Today’s post features Reena Saini Kallat. Reena Saini Kallat was born in Delhi, India, and graduated from Sir J.J. School of Art, Mumbai, with a BFA in painting. Her art explores the role that memory plays, in not only what we choose to remember but also how we think of the past. Her series using salt as a medium explores the tenuous yet intrinsic relationship between the body and the oceans, highlighting the fragility and unpredictability of existence. Kallat has worked with officially recorded and registered names of people and objects that are lost or have disappeared without a trace, only to get listed as anonymous and forgotten statistics.

Renée Watson's Books