Watch Us Rise(26)
sophiamays commented: Same for me. I would ONLY wear dresses in pre-school because I thought girls were supposed to look pretty all the time, and in middle school, I stopped answering so many questions because I was nervous about being too loud or a know it all. Was princess culture—being quiet, calm, pretty—a part of that?
ginawilson72 liked this
wondergirl commented: Agree princesses are super problematic, and I’m so glad your school has a space for you all to write and critique what is happening in your worlds. Bravo!
writelikeagirl commented: Thanks so much!
firenexttime reposted from sophiamays
brandilux commented: Can I use this in my media class at school? We are studying how racist and sexist the media can be—it’s soooooo corrupt! I mean, look at the kind of girls they celebrate and put on magazines and in commercials. Always the same color, always the same size. I know people are trying to change that, and sometimes it happens, but not nearly enough. We need to be out there even more! I’ve even started to write some of my own poems. Thanks for the inspiration!
writelikeagirl commented: Yes, yes! Please spread the word!
marymarymary liked this
Posted by Chelsea Spencer
Beauty Magazine Redux
Beauty Magazine—Found Poem
You won’t be able to stop checking out your butt, but
be brave this year. This year look Hot! Hot! Hot!
in your jeans. Girls Gone Wild (for less). Less
is more. More is more. But how far must a girl go
to get his attention? Hot Abs. Hot Arms. Hot Thighs.
How far must a girl go? His attention? How hot hot
hot is his attention—girl? Get Instagram Instaglam. Oh!
Fashion, beauty & body tricks. Tricks of the beauty trade— Bikini Body Confidence. Blitz. Glitz. Gutz. Butz & Bendz.
Slutz & Steady Glamor. Sexy cuts. Sexy tone. Sexy sexy
sexy sexy sexy sexy. Sexy. Amazing shine. Shine & get
the guy. Get flat abs. Fast. Get major confidence. Get:
Gutted. Get: Guilty. Get: Major stressors. Get smooth
skin fast. Get 625 pretty looks for YOU. Party hair. Party
skin. Party boobs. Party bod. 763 fashion tips & beauty
tricks. Boost your bra size in one month. Boost your hot
flat abs. Boost your confidence. Boost your mood w/
659 new luscious lip colors. Learn to kiss. Sexy like.
This issue is for YOU.
This issue is for YOU— Is this issue
for YOU? Who
is this issue for?
How about— Arithmetic paradoxes & aerial coordinates & butterflies.
You won’t be able to stop mastering quadratic equations.
This year be Brilliant! Brilliant! Brilliant!
How ’bout his attention is secondary
to your valedictorian speech,
class president, National Honor Society, so let him choke
on your algebraic dust. His attention? Over it. Girl.
Get Instagram Instasharp. All knowing & resourceful. Oh!
Coding, programming & tech tricks.
Tricks of the job trade— Yoga Body Confidence. Smartz. Slickz. Prowess.
Prodigy & Precocity. Brainy moves. Brainy body confidence.
Brainy flair. Brainy knack. Brainy. Brainy.
Brainy. Brainy—Brainy. Get the grades.
Get a 4.0. Get the gold medal in the 400-meter dash.
Get jacked biceps. Get the glory.
Get 625 genius moves for YOU.
763 ways to find & pleasure you. Learn to love
your boobs. Bod. Homage the muscles in your mind.
Boost your IQ in one month. Boost your peptides,
peripheral nervous system. Learn how to be a CEO, CFO,
executive direct like a boss. Do it all Brainy like.
No, this is the issue for YOU— -------------------------------------------
bepretty commented: I am ALWAYS THINKING THIS HERE!!!!!!!!
wahibabeee commented: truth telling—that is all. and you all are on a roll. i am loving all these posts and poems. thanks for starting these conversations. and it’s gonna make me look at magazines in a whole different way—it also makes me want to get in the system to try and change it!
marymarymary reblogged this
mattcooper commented: Interesting read—I never thought about this mslucas commented: This is one of my favorite poems so far—very cool.
writelikeagirl commented: Thanks so much for reading our posts! Be sure to check back often. We’ll be posting 1-2 times every week!
tamirb commented: guys have it just as bad—write one for us!
brooklynforever liked this
brandilux commented: YES! I saw a quote in my Media Studies class that said: A Woman’s Place Is in the Resistance. And you both are doing it! I looked through some of my mom’s home and garden magazines and used your poems as inspiration. Here’s mine: A woman’s place is not:
in the kitchen
or in the garden
or in the bedroom
or cleaning the bathroom
or cleaning the counter.
She’s not an Easy-Bake Oven
or a dollhouse
or a doll.
A woman’s place:
is in the resistance
is in the existence.
I exist.
writelikeagirl commented: Oh, we LOVE this poem! Thanks for sharing. Maybe when we bring Write Like a Girl to the world, you will come and write with us! Yes! Keep sharing.