The Songs in Our Hearts: A Young Adult Romance(12)

“Well, sounds like you have it all under control,” Dad replied, though he sounded uncertain. I didn’t blame him. I didn’t know what to say about it, either. After all, Micah Jacobs thought I had a crush on him. Now I was stuck in an English project with him, which might involve some sort of kissing. It all depended on whether Micah decided to be Victor or the monster.

My bet was on Victor.

“Little Do You Know”

Alex and Sierra

AFTER SHOWERING, I CURLED UP in bed and returned to reading Frankenstein. I glanced at my phone, noticing how inactive it had been all evening. Micah hadn’t even texted. As I touched the screen and unlocked my phone, I wondered why I cared. Micah Jacobs was probably hanging out with his friends, smoking and riding around in their junkie cars. But the more I lay in my bed, I found myself getting irritated in my decision to not hang out with him. Maybe I should have. Maybe I was expecting more out of this partnership than he was. With an exasperated sigh, I started to tap out a text to him.

CHARLIE: Haven’t heard from you at all tonight.

I sounded like a girlfriend. I deleted my words and tried again.

CHARLIE: Are you working on the screenplay?

Too desperate? I deleted my message again and sighed. After taking a moment to think, I decided to play it safe.

CHARLIE: So, I’ve been reading Frankenstein all night.

I watched as my text was sent and read: DELIVERED. About two minutes later, his name appeared on my home screen.

MICAH: Oh, yea? How’s Frank treating ya?

CHARLIE: Good, I guess.

MICAH: Figured u’d be reading it 2night

CHARLIE: I’ve been pretty engrossed.

MICAH: Ha! Welcome to the world of non-girly books.

MICAH: Been workin on the screenplay.

CHARLIE: Oh, yeah? How is that going?

CHARLIE: Not all the books I read are girly.

MICAH: Debatable.

MICAH: I’ve written the most epic death scene ever.

CHARLIE: Aren’t we going to try to keep it true to the novel? Isn’t that the whole point?

MICAH: Ur not even close to the end.

MICAH: Maybe the monster and Vic have the most epic death ever?

MICAH: U have no idea until you finish.

CHARLIE: I guess? I’m not there yet.

MICAH: Exactly.

MICAH: Lemme work my magic.

CHARLIE: So, who are you going to be in our film?

CHARLIE: Victor or the Monster?

MICAH: I guess the question really is who do u want me to be?


CHARLIE: If you’re trying to be funny, you’re not.

MICAH: Aw, come on, Charlie!

MICAH: Figured I’d be Vic—we could make the monster or have someone else do it.


MICAH: I guess I could ask one of my friends to help if you want.

MICAH: I’m sure one of them would be up for it.

CHARLIE: Sounds good!

MICAH: And then that makes you Elizabeth.

CHARLIE: I guess so.

CHARLIE: Or I could just be the monster if need be.

MICAH: I kinda need a maiden to yearn 4 me.

MICAH: Figured u were already that girl ;)

MICAH: So the part should be easy 4 u.

CHARLIE: Don’t flatter yourself.

MICAH: I’m not! It’s the truth!!!

CHARLIE: I already told you, Sam is full of it.

MICAH: It’s ok that u like me, Charlie.

CHARLIE: I think I’m going to go to bed now.

MICAH: Don’t be like that.

I pushed my hand into the comforter, looking away from my phone. He made my stomach feel as though it were twisted in knots. I didn’t want to entertain his suspicions of me ‘liking’ him, no matter how true it might be. I didn’t want anyone to find out and use it to hurt me. Not like last time.

MICAH: Charlie?

MICAH: Helllllllllooooo?

MICAH: Don’t make me come over there.

MICAH: Cuz I will.



I sighed, irritated as I scrolled through our conversation. Just as much as I kind of hated Micah for his cocky attitude, I honestly did like him. He had a great smile and a refreshing sense of humor. I liked the sound of his voice and the way his jaw flexed when he laughed. But I’d never admit this to him, at least not so openly.

CHARLIE: Yeah, I’m here. You can stop panicking.

Chantal Gadoury's Books