The One (The Selection, #3)(77)

He’s wearing his crown, and the suit with the blue sash and the medals. What did I say the first time he wore it? Something about hanging him up with the chandeliers, I think. I smile, remembering the long journey that got us here, standing at the altar.

Aspen’s last few steps are slow but steady. When we reach our destination, I turn to him. Aspen gives me one last smile, and I reach over to kiss his cheek, saying good-bye to so many things. We share a look for a moment, and he takes my hand and puts it in Maxon’s, giving me away.

They nod to each other, nothing but respect in their faces. I don’t think I could ever understand all that’s passed between them, but it feels peaceful in that moment. Aspen steps back, and I step forward, arriving at the one place I never thought I’d be.

Maxon and I move close to each other as the ceremony starts.

“Hello, my dear,” he whispers.

“Don’t start,” I warn in return, and we’re both left smiling.

He holds my hands as if they’re the only things pinning him to the earth, and I focus on that as I prepare myself for the words coming, the promises I’ll never break. It’s magical, really, the power this day has.

But even now I know this isn’t a fairy tale. I know that we’ll have hard times, confusing times. I know that things won’t always happen the way we want them to and that we’ll have to work to remember that we chose this. It won’t be perfect, not all the time.

This isn’t happily ever after.

It’s so much more than that.


CAN YOU JUST PUT YOUR hand on the page and pretend I’m giving you a high five? Seriously. How else do I thank you for reading my books? I hope you’ve had as much fun with America’s story as I have, and I’ll never be able to express how happy I am that you took the time to go through it with me. You’re keen. Thank you so much!

First of all, a huge thank-you to Callaway. It still makes my day when I see your “Husband of the #1 New York Times bestselling author Kiera Cass” email signature, and I’m so glad you’re proud of me. Thanks for being my biggest supporter through this whole journey. Love you!

Thank you, Guyden and Zuzu, for being such great kids and letting mommy run off to her office to work. You’re wonderful little people, and I love you bunches.

To Mimoo, Poopa, and Uncle Jody, thanks for all your encouragement, and the same goes for Mimi, Papa, and Uncle Chris. Lots of little things couldn’t have happened without your help, so thank you for being there, not just for me, but for our whole little family.

To the best agent ever, Elana Roth Parker. I wanted you to want me so bad! Thanks for your faith and hard work and for just plain old being cool. If I was ever in a street fight, I’d want you right there beside me. I mean that in the best way possible. *HUGS*

To Erica Sussman, my fantastic editor. So much of this story worked because of you. Thank you so much for taking me on. I’m crazy about you and your purple pens and your smiley faces! I feel bad for any author who has to work with an editor that isn’t you. Absolutely the best!

To everyone at HarperTeen, for being so brilliant and for working so hard. You were the place I longed to call home, and I can’t believe how good you are to me! Thank you so much!

To Kathleen, who takes care of all the foreign rights. Thanks for getting my books (and me!) all over the world! It’s still unbelievable.

To Samantha Clark, for running the Kiera Cass fan page on Facebook without ever being asked to do it or complaining about any work it brings her way. So, so cool of you! Thank you!

To everyone who runs a Selection-based Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook account. Half of the time I can’t read the language you’re posting in, and that alone is insane to me! Thanks for being diligent and creative and for talking to me. For realsies, you guys are the best!

To Georgia Whitaker, for making a really rad video and earning her name a spot in the book. Thanks for letting me borrow it!

Who am I forgetting? Like a thousand people, I just know it . . .

To Northstar church (which I swear I started going to years after The Selection was born), thanks for being home to the Cass family and for your constant encouragement.

To FTW . . . I don’t even know what to say. You guys are ridiculous, and I love you.

To The Fray, One Direction, Jack’s Mannequin, Paramore, Elbow, and a slew of other musicians, thanks for keeping me inspired over the years. You were fuel for these stories.

As well as Coke Zero and low-fat Wheat Thins. Sometimes also Milk Duds. Very important to my survival over the years, so thanks.

Lastly, and most important, to God. Years ago, writing saved me from a very dark time in my life. It wasn’t on my radar at all, but it became my lifeline. I believe it was grace that brought this into my life, and even on the most stressful days, my job makes me happy. I feel blessed a thousand times over and even though I write for a living, I still can’t find the words to express my gratitude. Thank you.



KIERA CASS is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Selection series, as well as the self-published fantasy novel The Siren. She is a graduate of Radford University and currently lives in Blacksburg, Virginia, with her family. Kiera has kissed approximately fourteen boys in her life. None of them were princes. You can learn more about Kiera’s books, videos, and love of cake online at

Kiera Cass's Books