The King's Traitor (Kingfountain #3)(52)

Owen tapped his lip and started pacing. “Let me guess. You didn’t have trouble finding them.”

Kevan looked at him in surprise. “You’re frightening me with your clairvoyance, my lord. Did you have a portentous dream? You have been in Brythonica, have you not?”

“I have indeed,” Owen said with a smirk. “After your meeting with the king, everyone left. Except for the king. And Dragan.”

The Espion’s eyes bulged. “Dragan was there?”

“He was in the room with you all the while. I sensed him, but couldn’t see him. The thief is Fountain-blessed.” Etayne’s gift made so much sense now. “He can turn himself invisible. A handy skill for a thief, wouldn’t you say? So when you found chains on the floor in the cell . . .”

Kevan’s eyes widened. “He was still there. He’d managed to slip out of the cuffs, but he was waiting there all along. And he managed to steal the jailor’s key in the hubbub.”

Owen nodded. “Dragan is working for the king now.”

Kevan blew out softly. “I’m . . . I’m bewildered, my lord. All of our information showed that Dragan was working for Maxwell of Brugia.”

Owen shrugged. “Severn paid him off. I think he’s using Dragan to create an opportunity to destroy his two rivals. Then he will be able to do as he’s long wished and wed Lady Kathryn. I must stop him.”

“My lord,” Kevan said, looking disturbed. “There’s something else.”

“Why not ruin my evening completely? Say on, man. I can’t be in a worse mood.”

“I think the king plans to replace you as head of the Espion. Whenever I report the news to him, he asks me many pointed questions about the Star Chamber and which men are the most loyal to you personally. I get the sense that he plans to cast you aside, like he’s done to others. That he isn’t comfortable with how much power you’ve accrued. I think he means to put someone else in the role.”

“Do you know who?” Owen asked.

Kevan shrugged. “It’s not me. He knows I’m loyal to you. Now that I know he was behind Eyric’s escape himself . . .” He paused, looking disgruntled. “I fear what he may do with you.”

Owen scratched his neck. “He sent me to Brythonica to get me out of the way. I see he appointed Catsby to lead the Assizes while I was gone.”

“And you know how quick he is to do what Severn wants. What he’s doing in the North is nothing short of rapine and plunder. Catsby hates you. He’s envied you for years and sees himself as your replacement if you should fall.”

“He can have anything he wishes,” Owen said snidely. “He may be plundering Dundrennan, but he’ll get his fair share.” He chuckled to himself. “I think the king will be very surprised to learn the duchess and I are now betrothed.”

“You can’t be serious!” Kevan said with a cough of surprise. “How did you manage that! Everyone believed it was a fool’s errand. A pretext to start a war with Occitania because you know Chatriyon would rather let you spit in his eye than allow Ceredigion to occupy one of the larger duchies.”

“I truly believe the king intended for me not to be successful,” Owen replied with a grunt. “But what can I say? The duchess was wooed by my many charms.” He stopped pacing and turned to face the Espion. “I may not be head of the Espion for much longer, but I am head of it now. I need you to send word of my return to the king, and tell him that a messenger came just ahead of me with news of my engagement with Lady Sinia Montfort. Inform him that I’m coming to his great hall to share the news of a dream. Make sure the other dukes know about it. I want everyone there.”

Kevan’s eyes gleamed with excitement. “What news, my lord?”

Owen shook his head. “You’ll see in time. I’m going to slip back into the city so I can make a proper entrance. I want all of Kingfountain to know that the Duke of Westmarch has returned.”

The Espion nodded vigorously. “Are you going to try to save Eyric and Dunsdworth from being thrown into the river?”

Owen clapped him on the back. “I’m trying to save everyone. Now go.”

Kevan smiled with relief as he unbolted the door of the Star Chamber and quickly slipped away. Owen bolted the door behind him, his heart throbbing with the desire to hurry. He had to think fast and act faster if he wished to prevent the kingdom from meeting its icy fate.

He took a sheet of paper, snatched an ink-stained quill from his desk, and scrawled a hasty note to Sinia.

My dear, things are unraveling quickly here as I’m certain you already know. Severn wants Eyric and Dunsdworth executed for treason, though he himself arranged their escape. He intends to seduce Kathryn as soon as Eyric is gone. I’m enclosing another note for you to deliver to Elysabeth and Iago as soon as you possibly can. I will predict an invasion of the North in order to give myself an excuse to go there. I don’t think Catsby will be up to the task, and Iago will find loyal and willing subjects ready to revolt. When the king orders me to put down the rebellion, I can then explain my plan in greater detail to Iago. According to the prophecy of the Dreadful Deadman, each kingdom will invade Ceredigion simultaneously. Help me manifest the prophecy. I hope you are safe and well. Would it be possible for you to take Genevieve with you and safeguard her in Brythonica? I will sneak her away from the castle to the sanctuary; you need only tell me when to meet you there. I’ve never written a love note before. Sorry that this one includes so much intrigue. I’m grateful we met at long last. I’ve thought of you often. Tell me something about yourself. Tell me we can win.

Jeff Wheeler's Books