The Deal (Off-Campus #1)(54)

“Well, I’m kinda swamped this week. I have two papers to write, and then I’ll be in Buffalo with the team this weekend. How about a week from now? Next Sunday, maybe?”

My phone busts out its rendition of “Sexy Back.”

A frown touches Justin’s lips, but it fades when I hastily press ignore again.

“Next Sunday is great,” I say firmly.


We reach the counter, and I order a large mocha latte, but before I can reach for my wallet, Justin comes up beside me, places his own order, and proceeds to pay for both of us. “My treat.”

His husky voice sends a shiver racing through me.

“Thank you.”

As we move to the other end of the counter to wait for our drinks, he does that cute head-tilting thing again. “Are you sticking around here, or do you want me to walk you back to your dorm? Wait—you’re in the dorms, right? Or do you live off-campus?”

“I’m in Bristol House.”

“Hey, we’re next door neighbors. I’m in Hartford.”

The barista slides our orders on the counter. Justin reaches for his cup, then grins at me. “Shall we walk back together, milady?”

Okay. Well, that was…cheesy. And he didn’t thank the girl at the counter when she handed him his coffee. I don’t know why that bothers me, but it does.

Still, I force a smile, even as I give the rueful shake of my head. “I would, but I’m here with friends.”

His eyes twinkle. “You’re just a social butterfly, aren’t you?”

I laugh awkwardly. “Not really. I haven’t seen my friends in a while. I’ve been too busy to go out.”

“Not too busy to see Graham,” he points out. There’s a teasing note in his voice, but I also hear something sharper. Jealousy? Or maybe it’s resentment. But then he smiles again and playfully takes my phone from my hand. “I’m putting my number in here. Text me yours when you get a chance, and we’ll figure out the details for next week.”

My heart speeds up, but this time it’s from nervous excitement. I can’t believe we’re actually going on a date.

Justin finishes entering his number into my contact list just as the phone rings in his hand.

Surprise! It’s Garrett again.

“Maybe you should just answer it,” Justin mutters.

He might be right. Three calls in two minutes? That could definitely mean an emergency.

Or it could mean that Garrett is just trying to annoy me as usual.

“I’ll see you Sunday.” Justin hands the phone back, smiles again (but it looks mega awkward this time), and then walks off.

I move away from the counter and answer the call before it jumps over to voice mail. “Hey, what’s up?” I say irritably.

“Finally!” Garrett’s aggravated voice slides into my ear. “Why do you even own a phone if you don’t bother picking it up when someone calls? You better have a good reason for ignoring me, Wellsy.”

“Maybe I was in the shower,” I grumble. “Or peeing. Or doing yoga. Or streaking naked through the quad.”

“Were you doing any of those things?” he challenges.

“No, but I could have been. It’s not like I spend my days sitting around and waiting for you to call, jackass.”

He ignores the barb. “What’s with all the voices? Where are you?”

“Coffee Hut. I’m catching up with some friends.” I leave out the part where Justin asked me out on a date. For some reason, I don’t think Garrett will approve, and I’m not in the mood to argue with him. “So what’s so important you had to call me five trillion times?”

“Dean’s birthday is tomorrow and the team is going to Malone’s. We’ll probably end up going back to our place afterward. You in?”

I laugh. “You’re asking me if I want to go to a bar and watch a bunch of hockey players get loaded? Why would you ever think that’s something I’d enjoy?”

“You have to come,” he says firmly. “My midterm grade comes back tomorrow, remember? Which means I’ll either be celebrating or commiserating. Either way, I want you there.”

“I don’t know…”


Wow. Garrett knows the word please? Shocking.

“All right,” I relent, because for some stupid reason, I can’t say no to this guy. “I’ll come.”

“Hells yeah. Pick you up at eight?”


I hang up, wondering how in the span of five minutes, I’ve made not one, but two dates. One with the guy I like, and the other with the guy I kissed.

I wisely keep both those details to myself as I rejoin my friends.



It’s becoming glaringly obvious that Garrett was right. He is an image booster. As I walk down the cobblestone path toward the Philosophy building, at least fifteen people call out to me. Hi, how are ya, looking good. I’m greeted by so many smiles, waves and hellos that I feel like I’ve just stepped foot on a whole other planet. A planet called Hannah, because everyone seems to know me. But I have no clue who they are, though I must have met them at Beau’s party.

Elle Kennedy's Books