The Dark Divine(87)

“Are you sure you want me to have this? It’s yours.”

“I don’t need it anymore,” he said, and tipped up my chin.

He kissed me softly on the lips, with warmth and love. Then his lips parted, and he kissed me in a way that was so complete—giving me everything he’d held back before. I melted into him, letting go, feeling as free and light as I did when we ran in the forest.

“So what do we do now?” I said as Daniel held me to his chest.

He cleared his throat. “There are a lot of bad things out there. Things the Hounds of Heaven were created to destroy.” He trailed his finger down the side of my face. “I can’t be the hero you want me to be—at least not in that way. But you can, Grace. You don’t have to become one of the dark ones. You can fight it. You can turn this curse into a blessing. You can become the hero. You can become truly divine.”


I owe my undying gratitude and appreciation to the many people who helped mold this book into what it is, and who also helped shape the writer and person I am today. These people include:

My fabulous agent, Ted Malawer, who couldn’t have been more enthusiastic about this book. Thanks for being my champion.

All the amazing people at Egmont USA who decided to take a chance on me. Special thanks to Regina Griffin, Elizabeth Law, Mary Albi, Nico Medina, and (of course) my brilliant and patient editor, Greg Ferguson.

My copyeditor, Nora Reichard, whose painstaking work makes it look like I actually know how to use a comma.

Joel Tippie, who designed the breathtaking cover. I couldn’t be happier with it.

My wonderful writing teachers over the years, including: Dean Hughes, Louise Plummer, Virginia Euwer Wolff, John H. Ritter, Martine Leavitt, Randall Wright, and A. E. Cannon.

My critique friends: Gaylene Wilson, Kim Woodruff, Julie Hughes, Elena Jube, and Jamie Wood, who forced me to finally rewrite the whole book—and then told me to make it even better. Thanks for all of your advice and suggestions.

My writing posse: Emily Wing Smith, Kimberly Webb Reid, Sara Bolton, Valynne Maetani Nagamatsu, and Brodi Ashton. Some people claim that writing is a solitary and lonely endeavor, but you guys make it a blast. Thank you for always being willing to read, brainstorm, help rewrite that @$&% scene (you know the one) over and over again, and for making me laugh all the time. Here’s to many more years of friendship and writing together!

My supportive, loving, and always-willing-to-bend-over-backwards-to-help-out parents: Nancy and Tai Biesinger. And for the record, the mother in this book is in no way my own mother (except for the ability to make divine turkey à la king), who is truly one of my best friends.

My enthusiastic and helpful friends, neighbors, in-laws, immediate and extended family, especially my siblings: Noreen, Tai, Brooke, and Quinn. Special thanks to Noreen for the many early-morning walking/brainstorming sessions and for many more hours of babysitting. Additional thanks to my niece Whitney for being my mother’s helper, my friend Rachel Headrick for letting my boys play at her house and for letting me talk her ear off (I miss you already, dang it!), Matt Kirby for his many words of wisdom, and James Dashner for showing this newbie the author ropes.

My amazingly adorable (most of the time) children, who put up with my many hours of being glued to the computer—and who aren’t afraid to whack me in the head with lightsabers when it’s time for me to stop working. Thanks for loving this crazy mom. I love you, too!!!

Last, but never ever least: my practically superhuman husband, Brick, who is my faithful reader, editor, motivator, sounding board, fan, web designer, marketing guru, pseudo-psychiatrist, best friend, and true love. Thank you for always believing in me, even in those moments when I don’t believe in myself. I will love you always.

Bree Despain's Books