The Art of Losing(86)

To the Bloomsbury team, my work family, thank you for the support when I took days off to write and for not mentioning it if you saw me crying at my desk. I feel incredibly lucky to have found a place among such creative, enthusiastic, and brilliant people.

And finally, to my husband, Karl, thank you for sitting next to me while I wrote every word of this book, and for never once complaining when I was so distracted by my stories that I forgot to make dinner, or left my keys in the front door, or left the bathmat in the laundry room. You are my love, my puppy, my bee bee, my sweet. Thank you for your unfaltering support and for holding me while I cried, and especially for not letting me give up on myself. (You know I tried.) You are everything I could have ever hoped for.

Lizzy Mason's Books