Shelter From The Storm (The Bare Bones MC Book 6)(34)

Wolf laughed, relaxed now. “Good one! You said my *, get it? You’re talking about Tracy. You’re the one who’ll never get it.”

Tobias laid into Wolf now, fists cycling like a boxer at a punching bag. Wolf merely held the shorter man away by placing his palm flat against Tobias’ forehead. Tobias snarled, “Cumon, f*ckboy! I’m not the one who played clarinet in the high school band.”

Hoots and catcalls erupted from the crowd. “A flute!” “I played the trombone!” “I played one of those super big drums!” various people shouted.

Wolf looked from side to side, embarrassed. “It was a saxophone, byte boy! And you f*cking messed with the wrong high school marching band member!”

Removing his hand from Tobias’ forehead, Wolf jumped lightly to one side, allowing Tobias to plow into a wall of men. No one touched or restrained either combatant this time—they were having too much fun. Wolf skipped on his toes from side to side, hands in fists like a pugilist. I actually wanted to see what happened next, but Pippa twisted her torso around and looked at me bright-eyed.

“This would be a good time to leave. No one will notice we’re gone, and I’ve got Ben Wa balls in my *.”

That did it.

I lifted her so she could jump off my boots, and I found her hand. The crowd pressed in on us so energetically, eager to take our vacated positions. I had to go first like a battering ram, holding Pippa under my arm like a mother hen. It was a temptation to look back when I heard Wolf braying,

“The only way you’ll ever get laid is if you crawl up a chicken’s ass and wait, you propellerhead.”

We busted out into the clearing, where people were still being attracted to the fight like zombies to a human. I looked both ways, then yanked Pippa into an empty booth that apparently sold those furry blankets emblazoned with Harley logos and shit like that. It was a good choice, because not only were there furry blankets, there was a sturdy table for the vendor to sit at, also covered with blankets. And the entire stand was covered with an awning.

Backing Pippa against the table, I didn’t waste any time. Who knew how long the fight would last and the seller would return? I tossed her little cowgirl’s hat onto a blanket and kissed her pixie nose. “I was a lawyer in Taos. I worked for the District Attorney’s office defending people who were usually guilty as sin. It got to me after awhile.”

She took my face between her palms and spoke frantically against my mouth. “Tell me later. Right now get those damned balls out of my *.”

Grinning, I fell to my knees.

I dove right in. Her crotch was damp and humid, and with my tongue-tip I tasted a sheen of * juice already coating her inner thigh. It was dark and steamy under the tight tent of her skirt, and I could just barely slide a hand in and pull the strip of her panties aside.

The crowd witnessing Tobias and Wolf was hollering like they were at a backyard fight club as I gave Pippa’s puffy clit several strokes with the length of my tongue. She squealed and squirmed, but my other hand kept a grip on her hip. The pulpy lips of her cunt protruded from her panties, and I mashed them together with my fingertips, capturing her swollen clit.

That did it. The balls inside her were being shaken around, titillating her already-aroused labia. It was like a gumball machine operating at high speed, and her squeal was now so sonic a dog couldn’t have heard it.

Keeping her erect button firmly clasped between her labia, I frantically licked the extended glans that peeked out. Her boots were digging so deep into my back, I was proud of the marks she’d made there later. Her hips shuddered as though she rode a mechanical bull, but I kept my tongue on the mark. It’d been a century since I’d given a skull job like this, but it all came back naturally to me, especially with such a tasty tidbit as Pippa.

Juice was flowing so freely now I had to gulp it. I sucked and licked, sucked and licked at her delicious nubbin. The claws of one of her hands dug into my bare shoulder, puncturing and drawing blood, which I saw later smack in the middle of the phrase “righteous man” in my inked Ezekiel verse.

Suddenly she caught her breath and held it, her thighs so tight around my head the roar of the crowd became a dull babble. I kept up my steady pace on her clit, worrying her labia with my fingertips, hoping I hadn’t forgotten the skill. It seemed she held her breath for f*cking ever. A gush of juice over my tongue told me I was on the right track. Then, a harsh gasp.

And she held her breath again, yanking a giant fistful of my hair.

The contractions came fewer and farther between, and I slowed my lapping. I dared to snake my tongue inside her *, and one stainless steel ball popped onto my tongue. Like a magician, I quickly palmed it, then went in for the other one. That one I left in my mouth, and came up for air.

She wouldn’t let go of my hair as I rose. She had a stranglehold on me. But I noted a couple of hired guns jogging toward the fight as frightened people started innocently walking the other way. A couple of those thuggish Friends of Distinction members followed the direction of the rent-a-cops, apparently eager for a fight. So I wiped my face on my forearm and bent over the exhausted woman. She finally opened her eyes and let go of my hair with a surprised little “oh!” With her mouth still open, I closed mine over hers and gently pressed the ball between her lips. I could feel her smile as she accepted it, but she quickly removed it and looked at me, our noses almost touching.

Layla Wolfe's Books