P.S. I Like You(75)

And last but not least (mostly because there are too many of them for them to be “least” in anything), my huge family. People often ask me how (and why) I can write such big, crazy families in my books. It’s because I have a big, crazy family. So here goes, a long list of the names that make up my family (people I see often, by the way; they aren’t just family in name): Chris DeWoody, Heather Garza, Jared DeWoody, Spencer DeWoody, Stephanie Ryan, Dave Garza, Rachel DeWoody, Zita Konik, Kevin Ryan, Vance West, Karen West, Eric West, Michelle West, Sharlynn West, Rachel Braithwaite, Brian Braithwaite, Angie Stettler, Jim Stettler, Emily Hill, Rick Hill, and the twenty-five children who exist between all these people. Love you all, so much.

Kasie West's Books