Lying Out Loud(48)

The interior was pretty plain, but cozy. There was an old box TV, a fireplace, and a hallway that led back to the bedrooms.

Of which there were only two.

Which meant I was back to sharing with Amy.

“This will be your room,” Bianca said, opening the door to the smaller of the two rooms. It was plain, too, with a small closet and a queen-size bed shoved up against the far wall.

Amy and I glanced at each other, then back at the small room.

“Yeah,” Bianca said slowly. “I’m gonna let you two settle in.” And then she ducked out of there so fast she might have been mistaken for a cartoon character on the run.

I shut the door behind her before turning to Amy and offering a small smile.

“Cute house,” I said.


“It’ll be a fun trip.”


“Nice to get away for a few days.”


That was all I could get out of her: one-word answers.

But it wasn’t as if she was like this with everyone. As the first night and next day wore on, I caught her talking to Bianca and to her brother, laughing with them, even. But the minute I entered the room, her mouth shut.

She’d been distant since Black Friday, but nothing like this.

And with no cell phone service and nowhere else to go, it didn’t take long for the silence to start getting to me.


It was freezing in the mountains.

Although it was far colder inside the cabin than out.

Bianca and Wesley tried to fill the silence with banter and mock arguments. Or maybe not “mock” arguments. It was always hard to tell with them. I wasn’t sure how aware they were of the intense teen angst that was brewing, but I had to give them some credit for attempting to defuse the awkward.

Still, I spent most of my time outside, hiking in the snow and bitter wind. Melancholy mood aside, I couldn’t deny how pretty the mountains were. They were blue and misty, and more low and rounded than I’d realized. They’d been quite aptly dubbed the Smoky Mountains, because they really did look like billowing puffs of smoke.

On the afternoon of New Year’s Eve, I headed out of the cabin for another hike. My skin was dry and cracked from all the hours I’d spent in the freezing cold over the past few days, but it was the only way to keep from going insane.

So I put on my boots and pulled a hat down over my curls before heading out the door.

And ran right into Bianca and Wesley.

Making out on the porch.

“Jesus,” I said as they broke apart. Bianca looked appropriately sheepish. Wesley, on the other hand, just grinned. “You two have your own room. In the house. Where it’s warm.”

Bianca cleared her throat and shook the car keys in her hand. “I was just … on my way. You need anything from the grocery store, Sonny? I’m getting lots of snacks for the ball drop.”

“Thanks, but I’m good. Not really feeling that festive.”

Bianca and Wesley glanced at each other, then she started backing off the porch. “Well, give me a call if you change your mind.”

“There’s no cell reception,” Wesley reminded her.

“Then I hope you don’t change your mind. I’ll be back.”

She hopped off the porch, her feet crunching in the snow, and unlocked Wesley’s car before sliding inside.

“You let her drive the Porsche?” I asked him.

“I let her do whatever she wants,” he said.

I wasn’t sure if there was a lascivious note in that response or not.

We watched as the Porsche drove off, disappearing down the long, winding driveway. Once it had gone, I started down the wooden steps. “See you later.”

Wesley followed me. “Where are you going?”

“On a hike.”

“I’ll join you.”

It wasn’t a question.

We made our way around the side of the cabin, toward the thickest part of the woods and some of the best trails. Snow clung to the bare, skeleton trees, some higher than any I’d ever seen. Neither of us spoke for a few minutes, and I started to think that this walk might actually pass in silence. But, of course, this was Wesley. He wasn’t known for being quiet.

Or for minding his own business.

“So what’s going on with you and Amy?”

“What do you mean?”

But even I, convincing as I typically was, couldn’t play dumb on this. Especially not with Wesley, who’d known both of us since we were toddlers.

“Come on,” he said, rolling his eyes. “You’ve barely spoken since we got here. Amy might be the quiet type, but you are most definitely not.”

“That doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me and Amy.”

“Yes, it does,” Wesley said. “She’s acting weird, too. Come on. Just tell me. I’ll nag you until you do.”

Unfortunately, I knew he wasn’t bluffing. I also knew that if I didn’t tell him on this walk, he’d get Bianca in on helping him and I’d never escape. Might as well get it over with.

I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my coat. “It’s … it’s about a boy.”

Wesley raised an eyebrow. “Seriously? A guy is what’s coming between you two?”

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