Kissing Ted Callahan (and Other Guys)(32)


Girls Who Might Go Out with Me, Post-Fall Formal, by Reid

Erika Ennis--all but said she’d go out with me, so she’s a sure bet.

Jennie Leung--hasn’t said anything per se, but she’s as sure of a bet without actually being a sure bet as someone could be.

Madison Price--said “we should hang out sometime, Reid,” so I’m as good as in there.

Sierra Myers--told me I looked cool onstage--as good as in!

Diana Ruiz--found random excuses to talk to me in the hallway and in the cafeteria, which she’s never done before. As good as in!

Katelyn Foster--see number five.

Brianna Bennett--see number five.

Natalie Garcia--see number five.

Sophie Chang--see number five.

Michelle Howard--was just kind of staring at me a lot during sociology and Western civ, but when I sort of caught her and made eye contact, finally she smiled at me. As good as in.


I’m early for our next practice, which is on Wednesday night this week only to accommodate the Andrew Mothereffing Jackson show. In the old days, I showed up early all the time, so I hope Lucy won’t make anything significant of it. I’m relieved when she just lets me inside the house and asks if I want snacks. Who doesn’t want snacks!

“I told Reid to bring his dog to practice, but I don’t know if he’s going to,” she says. “I really want to meet him, though.”

“He’s an awesome dog,” I say. “You’ll love him. I wish I could have a dog.”

“Me too,” she says. “I’d love that.”

“At least you have a cat! The United Front is totally anti-pet, period.”

My phone beeps, and I dig it out of my purse to check it. It’s from Milo, and it’s awesome. secret coyote dreams show tonight @ echoplex - b there? I text back immediately because the newest Coyote Dreams album is seriously awesome. when??? i have practice but could come after!!!!

Lucy watches me text but doesn’t say anything.

My phone beeps again. 9 - can u make it? I can, so I respond in a happy affirmative manner and shove the phone back into my bag. Reid arrives—sans Peabody—and I point toward the garage, even though Nathan’s not here yet. “Should we go get started?”

“We should wait for Nathan,” Lucy says, of course. “You guys are both going to the Andrew Mothereffing Jackson show tomorrow, right?”

“Yep,” Reid says with a nod and a smile. “I am, at least. With Madison Price.”

“Really, Madison Price?” Lucy asks, as I accidentally say “Ew, no” aloud. But ew, no. Madison Price is seriously the worst type of person. Well, not compared to murderers and rapists and tax evaders or whatever, but besides that, yes. She dresses like she only shops in the little boutiques on Sunset in Silver Lake and Echo Park, like an American Apparel explosion, and she wears this stupid feather earring all the time. I guess in truth she looks cool, but what I hate about her is that she constantly walks around with this bored expression like she’s too good for life. Listen, Madison, no one’s too good for life. We’re all living it; get over yourself.

“Why ‘really’?” Reid asks Lucy. “Does it seem like I couldn’t go out with her? Do you think everyone’s going to think that?”

“Reid, that isn’t what I mean,” she says as Nathan walks in. “She’s just so—”

“HORRIBLE!” I say—again, accidentally. “Her face is the worst.”

“Who?” Nathan helps himself to a soda from the refrigerator.

Wait, he lets himself in AND gets his own beverages? Is this what happens when someone has sex with you?

“Madison Price,” Reid says.

“Oh, right,” Nathan says, and makes the bored face. Lucy and I both lose it. “She’s actually not that bad.”

“Guys, I know, but…” Reid looks defeated. “She’s—”

“Really hot,” I fill in, because what else is she? Popular. Okay. “Can we please start? I have a lot I need to do tonight.”

“I bet you do,” Reid says.

“I bet you do,” I chipmunk back.

Then we both laugh, and we head to the garage to practice. Since “Tease,” “Garage,” and “Incandescent” are pretty polished by this point, we spend a lot of time on “Riverside Drive,” “Screwed Up Again,” and a few covers. It’s an easy practice, and I am ready to get on with my night, but I should have known a certain topic had not been shut down forever.

“Have you guys thought any more about cutting an EP?” Nathan asks as he gently packs his Rickenbacker in its case.

“Nope,” I say, attempting to set a new speed record for packing up my drums. “Remember, no money.”

“Severe no money,” Lucy says.

“Eh, less severe no money,” Reid says. “But still no money.”

I head to the door. “See you guys tomorrow.”

“Riley, hang on,” Nathan says. “Can we seriously discuss this?”

“I thought we were seriously discussing it,” Lucy says with a smile. “I want to focus on getting better and writing more songs.”

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