Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin #1)(51)

She frowns and continues her prattling. "Why ever did you think it would be a good idea to chase him down? Is that what girls do in the village you come from?”

“I was not chasing him, madame, merely trying to deliver a message. It came after he left this morning and I thought to deliver it myself.”

Hivern holds up her hands in mock horror. “You are his paramour, not his servant. Do not follow him like a dog follows his master.”

My hand tightens on my wine goblet, and I am glad it is silver, not glass, for surely it would shatter under the force of my annoyance with this woman. “Madame, I assure you — ”

“Oh, call me Antoinette, won’t you? I think we shall be fast friends, you and I.”

“Do you think that is a good idea, given the breach between you and your son?”

A hint of cold fury flickers across her face, then is gone. “Perhaps you can help us to heal this rift.”

I set my goblet down on the table and give Madame Hivern my most innocent look. “Is that why you were looking for him? To call a truce?”

Annoyance crosses her face, and she casts about the room as if searching for a distraction. Apparently she finds one, for her expression softens and her eyes shine with the first true emotion she has shown. “My darling!” Hivern’s face is alight with pleasure. “Do come here, I have someone I would like you to meet.”

The man who approaches is tall and slender with dark eyes and fine features and is far too young to be her lover, and yet she has called him darling. He gives me a cautious, considering look, then bends to kiss Hivern’s cheek.

“Ismae, I would like you to meet my son Fran?ois Avaugour. Fran?ois, this is Ismae, Gavriel’s new friend.”

If he has heard tell of his brother’s “friend,” he gives no indication. He bends gallantly over my hand. “Enchanté, demoiselle. Any friend of my brother’s is a friend of mine.”

I murmur some nonsense back, and Madame Hivern pats the seat next to her. “Come join us, my love.”

“But of course.” Fran?ois takes the chair close to Hivern so that he faces me. “How can I resist the two loveliest ladies at court?”

I long to roll my eyes at his words, but I peer up at him through my lashes instead.

“Gavriel’s friend is not used to such polished manners, Fran?ois. She has been too long in the country. You should offer to guide her through her first visit to court when your brother is tending to his other duties.”

His liquid brown eyes meet mine. “I can think of nothing that would give me more pleasure, demoiselle.”

“You are too kind,” I murmur, pleased at how easily I have been pulled into the bosom of Duval’s family. They must hunger after his secrets as much as I hunger after theirs.

“My son was born and raised at court and can steer you safely through its treacherous waters.”

“But surely milord Duval will do that,” I protest.

“Duval can do what?” a deep, familiar voice asks.

“Gavriel!” Hivern’s voice is full of gaiety that is as false as her heart. "What a lovely surprise. we were just getting to know your friend a little better. She is such a charming thing.”

The warm, heavy weight of Duval’s hand settles on my shoulder and I am rendered speechless as he bends down and places a kiss atop my head.

“Dearest Ismae,” Duval says. "Whatever are you doing here? Not that it isn’t a delightful surprise.”

Merde. I have been so busy matching wits with Madame Hivern that I have not given any thought to an explanation for my presence here at court.

“She was kind enough to accept my invitation, Gavriel,” Madame Hivern says with a sly glance in my direction. “I thought it would be fun to become acquainted.”

Duval’s hand on my shoulder tightens painfully, then he removes it and gives a perfunctory bow. I do not know how he makes it look ironic, but he does. “My lady mother’s generosity knows no bounds.” Then he turns his gaze upon me. “Come, demoiselle. I am finished here.” He reaches down, grabs my elbow, and pulls me to my feet. without another look in his family’s direction, we depart.

Behind the crackle and snap of anger that burns in his eyes, I catch a glimpse of something else. Something that looks remarkably like fear.

"Was that part of your convent’s instructions?” Duval’s voice is tight with anger. “To catch the eye of my brother and offer yourself to him as well as me?”

“No, my lord, it was not,” I say primly.

But likely only because it hadn’t occurred to the abbess.

Chapter Twenty-two

Duval escorts me back to his residence himself. He says it is so I do not get lost along the way, but he does not fool me. He wants to be certain I do not circle back to the palace. when he leaves to return to court, I consider following him a second time but then realize it would be foolish, as he will likely be expecting it. Besides, I do not wish to risk running into Madame Hivern again. The thinly veiled venom of her false concern still bubbles through me, as vicious as any poison. I wonder how Duval would feel if I killed his mother, for in truth, that is what I wish to do. He might well thank me.

When I reach my chamber, I find Louyse unpacking my trunks. She turns to me, her old cheeks pink. “Oh, miss! So many lovely things you have.”

Robin LaFevers's Books