Gathering Darkness (Falling Kingdoms #3)(85)

“Silly?” Lucia’s expression grew dark. “I assure you, silly is the very last thing I’m being right now.”

Perhaps it was nearing the time to panic.

“I should leave you to your studies. It’s clear you’re in a foul mood today and I don’t want to add to it, especially with the wedding to attend this evening.” She turned and opened the door.

But it slammed shut before she could leave.

Slowly, she turned to face the sorceress, her heart pounding so hard she could hear it.

“I told you about the water Kindred because I wanted to see your reaction,” Lucia said softly. “I thought I might be wrong, but there it is in your eyes. I see how much you want the Kindred for yourself.”

“I don’t know what you mean. Now let me leave.”

“Why? So you can alert Jonas Agallon and direct him to Limeros? I suggest he wear furs. It’s very cold there, even in midsummer.”

Cleo suddenly forgot how to breathe. She grappled to find her voice or an excuse that would satisfy the girl standing before her with her fists clenched at her sides.

“You accuse me of this, but you don’t know anything with certainty,” Cleo said, her tone sharp enough to cut glass. “What about your boyfriend? Has no doubt been cast in his direction? Only mine? Perhaps when it comes to him, you’re blind. He’s ancient, isn’t he? Why would he bother with a teenaged girl if not to manipulate her powers to find the Kindred for himself?”

The air around them crackled and shimmered, and the ring on Lucia’s finger began to glow with bright violet light.

Cleo had said too much.

“Lucia,” she began, holding up her hands. “Don’t—”

Lucia thrust her hand out, sending Cleo hurtling backward into the wall. The force knocked the breath from her lungs, and she gasped but couldn’t find enough air to breathe. It was air itself, pure air magic, that Lucia now used to pin her against the wall, to wrap an invisible hand around her throat to choke her.

Cleo’s feet left the ground as the magic pressed her upward.

“I hate liars,” Lucia said simply. “And that’s all you do. Lie.”

The ring was now blazing. It was supposed to help Lucia control her magic, but perhaps this magic was under control. The controlled chaos of a sorceress.

“Don’t, please!” Cleo managed. “We’re friends! I care about you, Lucia. I do!”

Wind swirled violently through the room, sending everything in its path crashing to the floor. Lucia stood before her, her long dark hair flowing.

She was a nightmare come to life—a demon risen from the darklands to destroy everything in its path.

“Magnus was my only true friend in this world,” Lucia said. “And now he lies to me too, just like my father. Just like everyone.”

“I haven’t lied to you! I’ve done nothing wrong. Nothing!”

Cleo would deny it until her very last breath. Even if Lucia did know that it was Jonas who’d claimed the earth crystal, there was no way she could possibly know with any certainty that Cleo had been the one to tell him. This was only a guessing game, and Cleo refused to play along.

But she would play a game of her own, as well.

Whatever was going through Lucia’s head right now, whatever idea had sparked this act of violence, it didn’t matter. They’d had moments of true friendship, and Cleo knew Lucia’s heart was not cold and black like her father’s. There was kindness inside of her.

“Your father destroyed my life and tore apart my family, but I offered you my friendship anyway. I gave you my mother’s ring and expected nothing in return. You’re wrong about me—I was loyal to you and I swear to the goddess I didn’t tell anyone what I learned here. But if you want to kill me anyway, then do it and be done with it.”

Suddenly the wind vanished and Cleo dropped from the wall like a stone, bruising her knees on the marble floor. She stayed there, crouched in a protective ball, looking up at the sorceress with fear.

There was no pity or understanding on Lucia’s face now. Only hatred.

“Get out of here, you lying bitch,” Lucia said. Her fists began to blaze with fire. “I never want to see you again.”

Cleo ran from the room as fast as she could, stumbling down the hallway in her hurry to flee. She had to find Nic and tell him that they needed to make other plans. She needed to contact Jonas as soon as possible to get the other crystals from him. And in the meantime, she had to hope the Kraeshians were still interested in an alliance.

Cleo wiped away her tears as fast as they fell.

“Is everything all right, princess?” a guard asked. He and another guard had left their stations near Lucia’s chambers to flank her as she moved down the long hallway.

“Everything is fine. Just fine.” She eyed them warily. “As you were. I don’t need any assistance.”

“I’m afraid you’re wrong about that.” The guard took her arm. “You’re coming with us.”

“What?” She tried to pull away. “Unhand me this instant!”

“It’s over, princess.” He looked at her coldly. “We won’t be taking any orders from you anymore. Not that we ever did.”

“Let go of me!” she shrieked. She kicked and pulled, fighting to break away from them. She scanned the corridor for help, but found no one else in sight. “You brute! I’ll tell the king about this!”

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