Fallen Crest Home (Fallen Crest High #6)(73)

He shook his head. “I’m not the one she betrayed.”

“If it’s a choice between Mason and someone else, you know my decision.” He always had.

“Yeah,” he spoke quietly. “I’m well aware.”


Heather came out of the station, shielding her face with her arm against a sudden gust of wind.

“What are you doing here?” I’d called her, but… “How’d you get here so fast?”

“I already knew what went down before you called. Channing has a police scanner. We were already on the way.”

She hadn’t told me that on the phone. She flashed me an apologetic smile. “I figured it was just easier to explain when you got here.”

I surged forward. “Are they okay?”

“James is the only one here.”


“They arrested my dad,” Adam said. “They’re bringing him in.”

Two squad cars pulled into the lot and stopped right before the front door. But instead of seeing Steven Quinn in handcuffs, we watched as Nate and Logan were helped out of one squad car. Their hands were cuffed in front of them, and I gasped, reeling backward.

Their faces were covered in bandages, not to mention bruises on every bit of exposed skin, and their knuckles were scraped raw. They’d been fighting. A lot.

Heather stepped close and steadied me with a hand on my arm. “That’s what I was coming out here to tell you. Everyone else went to the hospital first. All of Caldron’s guys were admitted. Mason, Logan, and Nate—they were hurt, but they kicked ass.”


I searched for him, but couldn’t find him. If Logan and Nate looked like this—the back door to the first squad car opened, and I stopped thinking after that.

A sob hitched in my throat. I couldn’t even let that out.

Mason stepped out with his hands cuffed in front of him.

I couldn’t breathe.

I couldn’t do anything.

He had fewer bandages on his face, but one side was a giant bruise. His lip was busted, and I could tell he was in pain. He limped. I must’ve made a sound because he turned suddenly. His gaze found mine, though one of his eyes was covered by tape.

He stepped toward me, my name on his lips, but the cop yanked him back.

“Stop!” I ran to them.

Two cops moved to intercept me, but Heather and someone else stopped me before I could get to them. Heather shot a hand out to stop the police from coming closer.

“She’s fine. We got her.” She leaned close and whispered to me, “Chill or they might arrest you for making a scene.”

I could only watch as they led Mason inside. Then I looked to see who else had stepped in to help me.

Becky. She released me, her eyes darting away. “No one else needs to get hurt…or arrested.”

I reached out, saying a soft thank you before Heather started forward, and I went with her. I looked back over my shoulder. Becky watched us go, and I mouthed again to her, “Thank you.”

She nodded, offering a faint smile.

Heather held my arm close to her. “We’ll sing the friendship song with her later. Come on. We have to start harassing for bail.”

But in the end, that was taken care of.

James Kade had called in an army of lawyers. They walked in wearing their three-piece suits like they were secret service—except with briefcases. Once they showed up, it wasn’t long before Nate, Logan, and Mason were released.

I leaped into Mason’s arms as he came out, rubbing at his wrists. He caught me, tucking his head into my shoulder and neck.

“This is worth the pain,” he said.

I’d forgotten, and tried to pull away.

He only tightened his hug, holding me another moment longer. “God, Sam.” He lifted his head. A raw and tender look appeared in his eyes, and he traced my face with his finger. “Caldron could’ve really hurt you.”

Logan murmured, “He was more dangerous than we thought.”

Mason didn’t let me go, and Logan nudged him. “Buddy, I know we were in the clinker, but it’s not like you had to hide some soap in your ass cheeks. Nate and I were there the whole time, and it was just a couple hours.”

Mason stiffened and pulled back to glare. “Buddy?”

“It’s the joint. I’m already a hardened criminal.”

Mason released me, but his hand still held one of mine. “You’ve been arrested before, and excuse me for hugging my girlfriend when I realized how Caldron could’ve really hurt her.”

Logan stepped in front of him, shouldering him out of the way. He pulled me in for a hug. “It’s my turn.”

“You have your own girlfriend.”

“Who went back to see her dad. Remember?” Logan squeezed me. “Besides,” he added as he let go, “Sam’s going to officially be my stepsister after next week.”

That was right. The big wedding was next Saturday. I didn’t have the energy to deal with the tension that clung to me anytime the wedding was mentioned. Mason and Logan had been discreet in going to get their tuxedos fitted. Beyond that, I didn’t know anything about the wedding. Malinda was helping, but I didn’t live with her and my father anymore. I didn’t have to see any of the decorations or preparations she might’ve been doing at her house.

Tijan's Books