Fallen Crest Home (Fallen Crest High #6)(62)

My throat swelled, and a tear slipped from my eye. He caught it, brushing it away with his thumb, and leaned forward. His lips brushed mine, so softly, so gently. I closed my eyes, welcoming his tender touch. Then he applied pressure, and I opened my mouth. The same feelings as always surged up in me, pushing the exhaustion, sadness, and shame to the side. I was starving for his touch, just like I’d been last night, but this was slightly different.

I wasn’t reassuring myself that he was fine. I was reassuring myself that I would be fine. Whatever my issues about marriage, everything would be worked out. It had to be.

Mason got up from the picnic table and picked me up. We kept kissing, and my legs wrapped around his waist as he carried me to the Escalade. When we got back to the house, he parked in the garage, a place that was always empty. We didn’t make it inside the house. There were too many people in there.

Mason locked the garage door and the side door so no one could interrupt us. Then he caught my hand, tugged me to an inflated pool bed, and for a few hours, we were completely alone—no brothers, no best friends, no parents. Just him and me.

It was close to three in the morning when we tried sneaking inside.

Mason and I were tiptoeing in when the kitchen light turned on. Logan stood in the hallway that led to the bedrooms and raised an eyebrow.

“Where have you two been?” He pointed to the front of the house. “I know you didn’t just get here, because I didn’t see any headlights.”

Mason straightened up, holding my hand behind his back. “What we were doing and where we were is none of your business.”

Logan crossed his arms over his chest. “I was worried.”

“I texted you that we were fine.”

“Sam runs off, literally, and you take off four hours later to pick her up. I get one text from you an hour ago saying you were fine.” Logan shook his head, tsking at us. “Not cool, bro. I’m a part of your relationship. I don’t get where you think I’m not. It’s not just the two of you. There are other people to consider—”

“Do you really want me to say all this same shit about you and Taylor?”

Logan grinned, his arms dropping. “Touché.” He saluted. “Hope the two of you made sweet, sweet love wherever you were. I’m off to bed.”

“Since you’re up…” Mason stopped him, crossing to the fridge and opening it. He pulled out some leftover pizza and tossed a water bottle to me. “Cop a squat. We’ve got some stuff to talk about.”

Logan looked back over his shoulder, a yearning look on his face. “I could wake Taylor up right now. You know how good middle of the night sex can be, right? You’re aware of what you’re making me miss?”

“Sit down.” Mason motioned to the kitchen table. “It’s not like you can’t wake her up when we’re done.”

“True.” Logan grabbed the pizza box, pulling out a few pieces and putting them on a plate. He warmed them in the microwave before sitting down.

My stomach growled, loudly.

Mason smiled. “Hungry?”

I groaned, opening my water. “I don’t know if I dare eat. I could get cramps.”

He warmed a couple pieces for me before doing his own plate. Logan waved his pizza at me. “Don’t say my brother never feeds you.”

I frowned. “When would I ever say that?”

He shrugged, biting off half of his slice. “You never know.”

“Is everyone else asleep?” Mason asked.

“Matteo broke it off with that chick, and he came back a while ago. We all had a few beers together before he passed out in his room downstairs. Taylor went to bed a little before that, and Nate knocked off the same time as Matteo. Me, I’ve been up and waiting for you two lovebirds to stop doing the mating dance in the garage.” He winked, wiggling his eyebrows. “Didn’t think I’d figured it out, did you?”

“It’s the only place we could’ve been if we’d already arrived. You checked the pool house, didn’t you?”

“Yeah.” Logan picked up his second piece. “I saw you pull up, and I went searching when you didn’t come in. I knew you guys wanted privacy, but my inner Harriet the Spy was nagging me. I got curious.” He frowned to himself. “Just now remembered we have a garage. Why don’t we ever use the garage?”

“Because it’s only three slots wide. We could park six cars in there, but someone would always have to be moving their car out of the way. It’d be too much of a hassle.”

“Thank God Mom’s got a huge-ass driveway.” Logan looked at the pizza on my plate and nudged it closer to me. “The only way it gets to your stomach is if you eat it, Sam.”

“I know, dumbass.”

He smirked. “You’re calling me the dumbass when you’re the one who needs to be reminded how to eat. Put it in and chew—unless it’s Mason’s dick. Don’t chew then. Please, don’t chew. I don’t want to take my brother to the emergency room for that.”

“Logan.” Mason glared. “Stop talking about my dick.”

“What else is there to talk about? You haven’t brought up what you wanted to talk about, and I keep thinking about what I could be doing with my dick while I’m sitting here waiting.”

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