Fallen Crest Home (Fallen Crest High #6)(22)

They kissed, and Becky could only look from her ring to Adam and back again. She seemed in a daze for a full minute before shaking her head and looking at us.

“I’m engaged, you guys!”

This was weird.

And awkward.

And uncomfortable.

Cass moved forward, holding Becky to her. “Congratulations!”

Mark congratulated Adam, as did Matteo. Mason held out his hand, giving Adam a quick nod of congratulations.

I looked around, but there was no one else. There should’ve been more people. Everyone seemed to turn to me. They were waiting for my congratulations, but all I could think was, “Why did you do that in front of us?”

“What?” Becky frowned.

Adam looked shocked.

“Just fucking congratulate them, Sam,” Cass hissed.

I ignored her. “Why didn’t you do this in front of your families?”

A pained look flashed in Adam’s eyes, and I remembered how his dad had been a shithead the few times I saw him. But Becky… “Your parents,” I whispered hoarsely. “This should’ve happened in front of them.”

“You’re being a bitch.”

I ignored Cass again. Pain pressed in my chest, like someone was poking my lungs. I felt an impending doom. I shook my head. “Becky, I don’t know… I mean, why?”

So many years. We’d been friends once. That ended, and now this?

Adam moved in front of Becky, shielding her from me. “I wanted you to be here for this. For her.”

Becky rested a hand on his bicep again and stepped around in front of him. She clasped her hands in front of her and took a step closer, facing me directly.

“I was your friend once, Sam, and I’m the one who dropped the ball. I chose Adam over you when I should’ve chosen you first. I’ve always regretted that, and I think Adam’s always known. A lot of time has passed, and I’m not asking for anything, but I’m glad Adam did this. I wanted it that way, and he knew it.”

Her head bowed a moment before she gave me the shakiest, most scared and hopeful smile I’d ever seen on her. “Can you pretend to be my friend right now and congratulate me?” she whispered.

The wall I’d erected broke, and I pulled her into my arms, which she didn’t seem to be expecting.

“Congratulations, Becky.” She’d always loved him. “I am really happy for you. Really.” I held her even tighter.

She hugged me back.

I couldn’t remember the exact reason we weren’t friends anymore. The pain and betrayal were like a faint fog over my memories. They were there, and I knew things had happened, but in this moment, one she’d remember for the rest of her life, I let myself feel that old friendship once again.


“You were quiet on the ride home.”

We had just entered our room. I sank down on the bed and curled in a ball, holding a pillow to my chest as I looked up at him. I had been quiet, content to just watch the scenery go by as Mason drove us. Matteo chose to stay behind. He wanted to party it up with Mark, and Mason and I couldn’t blame him. There was a melancholy feel to us, or maybe it was just me.

I sighed. “It’s hitting me that someone I used to love is engaged now.”


I frowned, then saw he was joking. “Becky.” I laughed. “Asshole.”

His eyes darkened, and for a moment I thought he was going to lay with me, but he turned for the closet. He pulled his shirt off and disappeared inside.

“That bugs you?” he called. “That she’s engaged?”

I sat up, scooting my back against the headboard. I still held that pillow in front of me. “Maybe. I don’t know why.”

“Sam.” He came back out, still with no shirt. I wasn’t complaining. Mason was leaner than he’d been in high school, but more ripped. Almost every muscle in his chest and stomach stood out, and my eyes traced the V of his obliques, the way they disappeared under his light grey sweatpants.

“You’re forgetting why Becky and you aren’t friends anymore. Quinn was trying to break us up, and she chose his side. Now, it looks like she chose the right side for her since they’re getting married, but that’s not how it was back then. If you’re beating yourself up over letting go of that friendship, stop. You can’t be friends with someone who’s not friends back.”

He was right. I knew it, but I still felt a little hole inside where she used to be. “I don’t know if it’s Becky or my mom… I don’t know what it is, but I feel off. I have since we came home for the summer.”

He didn’t say anything, but watched me with a knowing look mixed with concern. I wasn’t saying anything new or surprising. Going somewhere Mason had enemies, then getting a job at the local carnival with Mark, and now being at Becky Sullivan’s engagement—none of those were normal. The last was sprung on me, but I stayed even after I heard Becky and Adam were going to be there. I mean, it was Cass’ house for fuck’s sakes. Cass and I hated each other, but I still went.

I looked up and held Mason’s gaze. “What’s going on with me?”

His eyes clouded over, and he said almost as softly as I’d asked, “I don’t know.”

Dropping the shirt he’d been holding, he sat on the bed and he leaned down. His lips found mine, then he pulled back. His face was a few inches from mine and his eyes stared at my lips. “Whatever it is, we’ll deal with it.”

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