Empire High Betrayal(48)

“Hey.” I gave him the most reassuring smile that I could. The last time he’d seen me, James’ hands were on me, trying to help me breathe. Matt had looked like he was in so much pain. I would have texted him if I had my phone, but I’d run out of school with none of my things.

Instead of reaching out for me, he pushed his hair off his forehead. It was like he was scared to touch me.

“I’m so sorry about lunch,” I said. “I didn’t mean to freak out…”

“Brooklyn, I’m the one that’s sorry. I thought I was helping earlier. I thought…” He shook his head. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You didn’t hurt me.” I grabbed his hand. “I promise you didn’t hurt me.”

“You said you couldn’t breathe.”

“It was just a panic attack. It was nothing.”

He nodded even though he didn’t look very convinced. “I didn’t even know that you got panic attacks,” he said. “I had no idea what was going on. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I was kind of hoping they’d just go away.”

He lowered his eyebrows slightly. “What if James hadn’t been there?” he asked.

I shook my head. “He didn’t fix anything. I just needed to make sure my dad was okay. And he is. Isabella was messing with my head, like you said.”

“So everything’s good now?”

“Yeah. Everything’s fine.”

He took a deep breath. “You really scared me, baby.” He pulled me into his arms. “You can tell me anything, you know.”

“I know.”

“So what should I have done? In that situation?”

I leaned back so I could look up at him. He didn’t need to make anything right. But I’m glad he wanted to take care of me. “Maybe if you could just kind of rub your hand up and down my back and remind me to breathe?” I tried not to wince. It was exactly what James had done. I hoped Matt didn’t remember.

He dropped his forehead to mine. “I can do that,” he said, his cinnamon scent surrounding me. “How often do you get them?”

I sighed. “Just when Isabella scares me.”

“So a lot then?” he said with a laugh.

I gently hit his arm.

“We should probably get to class,” Matt said. “We don’t want to piss off Mr. Hill.”

No we do not. “One sec.” I opened my locker and grabbed my entrepreneurial studies book. I usually looked forward to class to see Matt but dreaded it because of Mr. Hill. But Mr. Hill had actually been a little nicer to me recently. He hadn’t made me read out loud in ages. The last time he’d called me out at all was when I was dancing too close to Rob at homecoming. I wanted to think it was because he was friends with my uncle. But maybe me suddenly having tons of money played a role too.

We made our way to class with my hand in his. It was the first time I’d been to class with him like this. It was only several weeks ago that I stared at the back of his head and daydreamed. And now we were engaged. Engaged. That hadn’t really sunk in yet. I’m freaking engaged to Matthew Caldwell.

“No way,” Matt said when I went to my normal seat. “Sit next to me.”

“Won’t Rob be mad that I stole his seat?”

Matt shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t really care what the hell he thinks. You’re sitting with me.” He pulled the desk slightly closer to his and I laughed.

Rob walked in right when I sat down.

He smiled at me and stopped right next to his old desk. “Did you seriously steal my seat, Sanders?”

“I can move…”

“I’m just messing with you,” he said with a wink. “If it were anyone else, I’d complain. But now I just get to stare at you during class, so it’s a win-win for me.” He sat down in my old seat and whistled. “Yeah, this is a great view.”

Matt turned around. “I swear to God…”

“Did you hear something, Sanders?” Rob asked. “It sounds like there’s a really high-pitched little girl complaining about something, but I don’t see anyone…”

“Can’t you guys just kiss and make up already?” I asked.

Rob laughed.

Matt didn’t.

“I knew you were funny,” Rob said. “One of the many reasons why I think we’d make a much better couple. Isn’t dating the high school football star a little cliché? Soccer’s a much sexier sport, Sanders. It has international appeal. We could travel the globe together.” He gave me another flirtatious wink.

Was he trying to start a fight?

“If you haven’t noticed the ring on her finger, she’s mine, dipshit,” Matt said.

“I don’t know…yesterday when we were hanging out she said it was just a promise ring. As far as I’m concerned, promises are just declarations that are begging to be broken. What do you say, Sanders? Meet me in the treehouse at midnight?”

Yeah, he was definitely trying to start a fight. Somewhere in all that ridiculousness were fighting words. And I needed to put a stop to it right now because Matt looked like he was about to strangle Rob. “I’m happy with Matt,” I said. “Which I made clear yesterday. So I won’t be meeting you in your treehouse. And also like I said yesterday…I’d appreciate it if you stopped flirting with me. I know you’re just trying to get under Matt’s skin.”

Ivy Smoak's Books