Empire High Betrayal(27)

He slowly sat up and I realized he was already fully dressed in his Empire High uniform.

“Are you leaving?”

He ran his fingers through his hair. “I actually missed a lot of school last week. Coach Carter said I couldn’t play in the game next weekend unless I came in today. I’ll stay with you if you want. You know that. But…”

“What? No. You should go. I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I don’t want you to have to miss your game. It’ll be the first one I’ll get to come to as your girlfriend.”

He smiled at me. “I’d like that. Maybe you could wear my letter jacket?”

Oh. Isabella had cut up all my clothes. But I didn’t think Matt’s jacket had been part of the destruction. It had still been packed away in a box. Thank God. “I’ve been dying to wear it. Maybe I should just come to school today too. I think I feel okay…”

“No,” Matt said. “I promised your dad I’d take care of you. You still need rest. I even brought you breakfast in bed.” He gestured to the tray that was sitting on the bed.

I’d thought I’d smelled bacon. I sat up, keeping the comforter pressed against my chest. That was the sweetest thing ever. “Thank you.”

“Take the day off. Relax. Sleep. Whatever you need.” He kissed the side of my forehead. “I’ll be back after practice.”

“Am I allowed to go downstairs?”

He laughed. “Of course. I’m not locking you up here. I just thought you might be more comfortable in my room.”

My dad would have tried to lock me up. He had tried that.

“There’s a TV in the kitchen if you want to watch something. And there’s a library if you want to read. My mom’s here, so you can just ask her for whatever you need.”

I nodded. I liked Matt’s mom. Maybe I could just hang out with her today.

“I like that look,” Matt said.

“What look?” I smiled up at him.

“The messy hair. Rosy cheeks. My ring on your finger.”

I smiled as looked down at the ring. “I shouldn’t wear this out of your room though right? Won’t your family wonder why I have it?” The last thing I wanted was for the Caldwells to think I was stealing jewelry.

“My dad made it clear he didn’t want a Pruitt in the family. I made it clear that you aren’t. And that even if you technically are, you won’t be for long.”

I pressed my lips together. “You told them you wanted to marry me?”

He reached out and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. “Don’t worry, I’ll tell your dad the same. I know that’s one of his rules. To always make my intentions clear.”

Yeah, it probably was, but I hadn’t read the freaking contract.

“I’ll talk to him today,” he said. “So yeah…wear the ring. You’re mine. And I want everyone to know it.”

Matt calling me his always made my stomach fill with butterflies. “As a promise ring, right? That’s what you said it was?”

“You can call it whatever you want.” He placed a soft kiss against my lips.

“Because that’s what it is.”

“Whatever you say, Brooklyn. Engagement ring, promise ring, either way…”

I laughed. “But you didn’t propose.”

“Hmm.” He climbed off the bed. “Didn’t I?”

“No, you did not.”

“I think we remember that differently.”

“We’re not engaged, Matt.”

“The ring says otherwise. And don’t you dare take it off. You’re mine.”

I wouldn’t dream of taking it off. “Okay.”

“Okay then.” He adjusted his tie. “Text me if you need anything.” He leaned over and placed a kiss against my lips. “Make yourself at home.”

I smiled as he left the room. Home. I looked around at the dark red walls. I never would have imagined this place feeling like a home. But it was already starting to. I lifted up a piece of bacon and took a bite. Yeah, I could get used to this.


It didn’t take long for me to get antsy. If Matt expected me to wear this ring everywhere, there were two people I needed to talk to. Class had already started, so Felix had to wait. But Miller was here somewhere. I had to find him.

I wandered out in the hall, avoiding looking at the chandelier. I was a little surprised that Donnelley wasn’t standing somewhere with a machete and instructions from Isabella to lop my head off. But he was nowhere in sight. My feet echoed on the stairs. The Caldwell mansion was still scary. But I knew one room that wasn’t. I walked into the kitchen and was disappointed that Mrs. Caldwell wasn’t standing at the stove humming like last night.

There was a TV hanging under one of the cabinets, just like Matt had said. But I didn’t really want to watch anything. The TV reminded me of movies which reminded me of Uncle Jim. And I didn’t want to sit in the kitchen and cry. I needed to talk to Miller. What had Mr. Caldwell said about the security last night? That they needed to stay outside?

I turned to the back door and almost screamed when I saw someone there. But it was just…wait, Rob? Rob was standing there, smiling at me through the glass. He lifted his hand and waved.

Ivy Smoak's Books