Empire High Betrayal(21)

There was an awkward stretch of silence. My thoughts were back in the kitchen. What did Matt’s dad want to talk to him about?

“You okay?” Mason asked as we made our way up the stairs.

“Mhm.” I didn’t know what to fill our silence with. I barely knew him. “My dad likes you,” I said. I have no idea why that was the thing that fell out of my mouth. As if it would be a compliment. His family hated mine.

He laughed. “Really? Huh.”

“And you were really good in the homecoming game.”

He smiled down at me. “Thanks. You should come to more games. There’s nothing I love more than my brother embarrassing himself in public.”

I laughed, remembering Matt’s amazing performance, as we stopped outside of Matt’s bedroom. I knew Mason’s comment wasn’t true. He’d taken Matt away the other night at homecoming. Specifically because he thought Matt was embarrassing himself. Why was he pretending he didn’t care?

“Aren’t you going to show me to a guest room?” I asked.

“I already cock-blocked Matt once today. No reason to do it again.”

“Thanks? I guess?”

He laughed. “You know…I could get used to having a sister. It’s kinda fun having someone else around to mess with.” He winked at me. “Night, Brooklyn.” He turned around, leaving me at Matt’s door.

“Goodnight, Mason.” I could get used to having a brother. But I’d never get used to having a sister. I looked out over the bannister at the chandelier. And even though I knew the history of this house, I felt safer here than I did at the Pruitts. I retreated into Matt’s room and closed the door.

I was finally figuring Mason out. He was kind, but in more of a joking way. Not funny like Rob. Just…hesitant. As if he was scared to get too close to anyone. I wondered why. He was probably the most popular guy at Empire High. He didn’t have to lose anyone if he didn’t want to.

I wrapped my arms around myself, suddenly cold. Matt’s kitchen was comforting. His room without him in it? Not so much. I stared at his nightstand. Were there still pictures of Isabella in there? Was there still a huge box of opened condoms? Was there actually a vampire coffin somewhere tucked away in one of his closets?

I looked over my shoulder at the closed door. Surely I had a few minutes to explore.

Chapter 9


I pulled one of Matt’s t-shirts over my head. He’d told me once that I’d look better in one of his. I hoped he meant it. I folded my mom’s squirrel pajamas and placed them on top of Matt’s nightstand. There was only one thing I really cared about looking for. I opened the bottom drawer of the nightstand. The envelope full of pictures of Isabella was gone. I breathed a sigh of relief. No more private investigator. No more blackmail. It was done. Matt was free from Isabella’s clutches.

I just wasn’t sure I was yet. How was my dad going to protect me from her? He couldn’t just throw her out. Isabella was his daughter too. I didn’t see how any of this could be resolved.

My stomach churned. I had a lot to resolve myself. I needed to talk to Miller. And Felix. I pulled out my phone. It would be easy to send either of them a text. But that seemed harsh. I owed them each an explanation for why I couldn’t be with them.

As I stared at my phone, the only person I really wanted to talk to was Kennedy. My dad had said I should let her rest. But I’d let her rest all day. I needed to hear her voice for myself. Just to make sure she was okay. Maybe she’d have some advice for me too. I clicked on her name in my phone.

And waited.

And waited.

I opened the lid of the box of condoms in Matt’s nightstand. It looked like there were only a few missing. That was a good sign. I knew he’d been with other girls. But there was something nice about knowing that maybe it wasn’t that high of a number.

The phone kept ringing.

I closed the lid and sat down on the edge of the bed. Just when I thought it would go to voicemail I got a groggy, “Hello?”.

“Kennedy! Are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” Her voice sounded so small. Just like it had after she’d told me about what Cupcake had done to her. The realization hit me hard. Cupcake had drugged her. Getting drugged by Isabella was probably bringing all those feelings back. I imagined her curled up on a ball in her bed, her knees tucked into her chest. It killed me to see her like that last time. And it was my fault she was like that now. I didn’t want her to disappear on me again. She was the brave one. Not me.

“I’m so sorry,” I said. “I never meant to drag you into…”

“Stop,” she said with a small laugh. “You didn’t do anything wrong. It was Isabella. God, I feel like such an idiot. I barely remember last night. But I remember drinking with her. I remember for just a minute it seemed like she was actually my friend. I feel so stupid.”

“You’re not stupid,” I said. “Isabella is really good at convincing people of things.” She had convinced me to get into that damn limo. And for a few seconds there, she had convinced me I was trash. She’d even tried to convince me I didn’t belong in this world. But I did belong. And I wasn’t going anywhere. “I wish I was there to hug you.”

“Me too.” She sniffed. “Are you okay?” she asked.

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