Dreamland Social Club(94)
The fact of the matter is that there are, in the world, many more qualified chroniclers of Coney Island history than me. Readers who want to know more will be entirely mesmerized by books including Charles Denson’s Coney Island: Lost and Found and Coney Island: The People’s Playground by Michael Immerso. There is also a riveting film about Coney Island in the PBS American Experience series. I highly recommend you seek out some of these sources.
One final note: I may have manipulated some details regarding the item linked to Dreamland Social Club’s “Bath” key. Interested parties can turn to Adam Green’s New Yorker article entitled “Deep” (April 11, 2005) for the whole story.
. . . and behold the amazing creatures who lent their extraordinary skills to the cause of the Dreamland Social Club!
Sara Zarr and Siobhan Vivian—two fire-breathing beauties who skillfully singed early drafts.
David Dunton—a veritable Human Blockhead, who gamely incorporates into his act whatever I dream up.
My husband, Nick, the Strong Man, for constant, tireless support.
Bob, the marvelous and mysterious nine-headed beast, whose miraculous feats defy categorization.
And Julie Strauss-Gabel, the Snake Charmer, who coaxed this story out of a very deep, very dark place.