Dangerous Creatures(5)

Ex-relationship, he reminded himself.

“Nothing’s going to change.” Lena’s tone turned serious. “We won’t let it. We’ve been through enough together to know that the people you care about are the only thing that matters.”

Link caught Ridley’s eye in the flickering firelight, in spite of everything. Ridley looked away, pretending to listen to what Lena was saying, as if she cared. Anything to ignore me, Link thought. That’s her trick, same as always, and she still thinks I don’t know what she’s up to.

Just like the old days.

“So, you think a Cast will keep us together?” Ridley asked, pretending to listen. “Can’t we just, I don’t know, send postcards?”

Lena ignored her. “Maybe Marian would have an idea.”

“Or maybe she wouldn’t. Because it’s a bad idea,” Ridley said.

“No, wait. I think I’ve got it.” Liv’s braids were coming undone, and she sounded exhausted. But the sparks in her eyes burned as bright as the remnants of the campfire. “A Binding Cast. It’s how Ravenwood protects itself and keeps those who would do harm out, right? Binds a person to a place? Couldn’t it also Bind six people together? Theoretically.”

Lena shrugged. “A Binding Cast for people? It could work. I can’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t.”

Link scratched his head. “Work how? Like, our hands are permanently stuck together in a group hug? Or like, we can read each other’s minds? Can you get a little more specific?” Not that I’d mind being Bound to Rid, he thought. At least, it wouldn’t suck.

Lena stared into the glowing embers. “Who knows? We’re kind of winging it here. There aren’t a whole lot of Casts about Binding people.”

“Or, you know. Any.” Ridley sighed. “So why am I the only person who thinks we should get out the peach schnapps and go bowling instead?” No takers. “How about breakfast, then?”

Link kicked a clod of dirt toward the fire. When had Rid gotten so worried about using her powers? She’d been like that ever since the summer. Skittish as a new pup, and about as nervous.

“This isn’t black magic, Rid,” Lena said. “If we do something wrong, we’ll undo it.”

“When have those words ever not come back to haunt you?” Ridley shook her head at her cousin.

“Nothing big,” Lena said. “Just a little something so we don’t forget about each other. Like a Forget-Me-Not. A memento. I could do it in my sleep.”

Rid raised an eyebrow. “Someone’s gotten a little cocky since she brought Boyfriend back from the dead.”

Lena ignored the dig and held out her hand to Ridley. “Everyone join hands.”

Ridley sighed and took Lena’s hand, also taking Link’s warm and sweaty one.

He grinned and gave her a squeeze. “Is this gonna be kinky? Please let this be kinky.”

“Please let you shut up,” said Rid. But it was hard not to smile, and she had to make an effort to keep her bratty expression in place.

John took Liv’s hand, and Liv took Link’s. Ethan grabbed hands with John and Lena to complete the circle.

Lena closed her eyes and began to speak in a low tone. “There is a time beyond mountains and men—”

“Is that it?” Link asked. “The Cast? Or are you just makin’ it up? Because I thought all your Casts were in Lat—”

Lena opened her eyes and glared, one green eye and one gold flashing in the remaining firelight. Link’s mouth shut and his voice was silenced for him, Caster-style. Link swallowed, hard. Lena might as well have slapped duct tape across his face.

He got the message.

Then she closed her eyes again. As she spoke, Link could almost see the words on the page, as if a scroll had opened itself for them.

“There is a time beyond mountains and men

When our six-faced moon must rise.

If you call for me, I will come to you then,

And our six-headed horse will ride.

Though Sixteen Moons began our thread,

And Nineteen Moons must end us,

Let us always be Bound by the Southern Star,

And when in grave danger—

Send us.”

Lightning flashed in the sky, ripping across the dark clouds and reflecting in the still surface of the lake. Boo growled.

A shiver rolled through all six of them—like a cold current coming from the lake itself—and they dropped hands, as if some invisible force had ripped them apart.

The circle was broken.

Link tried his voice and found to his relief that he could use it. Which was good, since he had something to say.

“Sweet buckets of crap! What was that?” Link opened his eyes. “ ‘Grave danger’? And ‘send us’? Send us where? What are you talkin’ about?” His voice was raspy, as if he’d just been yelling.

Lena looked uncomfortable. “Those are just the words that came to me.”

John sat up on his rock. “Wait, what?”

Lena squirmed. “I wasn’t expecting the danger part. But it’s all good, right?” She frowned as soon as she said it. “I guess it doesn’t sound that great, does it?”

“You think?” Ridley tried another position on her hard log seat. She didn’t look happy.

Margaret Stohl Kami's Books