
“But look at the pipes!” Shelton pointed to the tubes exiting the Gamemaster’s box. Dark green vapor was misting into them and trickling upward toward the air ducts.

The sickening truth crashed home.

We faced a devil’s choice.

“The gas is releasing.” My voice was flat. “But we choose where it goes.”

“Choose how?” Shelton asked in hushed voice.

“The handle. Turn it right and the gas will flow into the tubes, hit the AC, and dump into the ballroom. Turn it left, and it will release in here.”

Shelton’s eyes bugged. “In here?”

“The Gamemaster wants his kill one way or another.” Hi understood the ghastly decision we faced. “But now it’s our call who dies.”

Ben’s fists clenched in helpless rage. “I’ll kill him.”

“So it’s really us or them?” Shelton was close to panic. “We have to pick?!”

Jason’s eyes met my mine. “We can’t gas all those people. We just can’t.”

I nodded. “Not a chance.”

We still have a card left to play.

The Gamemaster thought he’d covered every angle. Painted us into a corner. Planned for every possibility.

But he didn’t know what I could do.

What the Virals could do.

This time I didn’t hesitate. Using all my strength I heaved left and spun the handle counterclockwise.

Inside the tubes, the green vapor thinned, then vanished entirely.

The hole at the base of the box snapped open.

“Back!” Hi dragged a paralyzed Shelton toward the door. “Come on, Tory! Ben!”

I froze. Watched in horror as a thick stream of green fog flowed from the opening and began pooling on the floor. Heavier than air, the sickly cloud swirled into a low corner before creeping back toward the door.

We had minutes. At most.


“Into the passageway!” I barked.

The boys needed no urging. I raced through the door behind them and slammed it shut, closing off the ventilation room.

“I need a jacket!” I ordered.

Hi ripped off his velvet monstrosity and shoved it into the crack. The makeshift wedge wouldn’t stop the poison, but it might buy us precious seconds.

I pressed close to the grate. “Chance, we’re out of time. Can you free us?”

Chance was dripping sweat, his suit a dirty mess. Blood dripped from his fingers as he swung a rusty crowbar.


He glanced at me with pain-filled eyes. “I’m sorry. The clamps won’t budge. I don’t know what else to try.”

“Look around! Maybe there’s a key.”

“There isn’t. I checked.”

“Search the stairwell. It could be hidden there. Hurry!”

Chance nodded, then stumbled out of sight.

One down.

A noxious odor began fouling the air. Hi and Shelton started coughing.

I saw Ben watching me. He understood my plan, and, judging by his sideways glance, the remainder of the problem.

“Hiram, kill the lights,” Ben said.

“What?” Hi was hacking and spitting. “Why would—”

Ben flicked his eyes to Jason.

Hi started. “But how . . . he’ll still notice . . .”

The ghost of a smile appeared on Ben’s lips. “Have faith.”

Hi nodded, then whispered in Shelton’s ear.

“Yes!” Shelton practically dove for the switch.

“What the hell?” Jason spun to yell at Shelton. “We need the light! We have to call for—”


Ben’s elbow connected with Jason’s temple.

I caught Jason as he dropped.

“That was your plan?” Hi screeched. “Knock him unconscious?”

“It worked,” said Ben.

“Little help!” I grunted.

The boys grabbed Jason and lowered him to the floor.

There were no more prying eyes.

Throat burning. Eyes stinging. Light-headed. Black patches floating across my vision. I peered as far as I could into the electrical room. Chance was nowhere in sight.


“Ready.” Three voices as one.

I gripped the bottom of the barrier with both hands.

Hi stepped to my right. Ben and Shelton lined up on my left.

My lids slid shut.


The flare burned like a thousand suns, electrifying my senses.

My nose magnified the caustic stench, nearly overwhelming me. My eyeballs cut through the gloom. My ears amplified the hiss of poison gas leaking around Hi’s jacket.

Ignoring the sensory bombardment, I sought something else.

Reached deep within. Tapped the power of the wolf.

The pack followed where I led. Glowing cords scorched across our minds, smoldering with superhuman force.

I fired a single command into their minds.


As one, we strained. The gate refused to yield.

Muscles cording, I poured everything into the effort. Could feel the boys doing the same. The barrier quivered, but remained locked in place.

The noxious reek grew stronger, causing me to gag. I felt despair infest the other Virals’ minds. Linked as we were, their stray thoughts struck me like shards of glass.

Kathy Reichs's Books