Boys Like You(20)

His face made me thinks of things I wanted to forget, but I couldn’t lie.

It was good to see him.

“Dude,” he said with a slow grin, grabbing my shoulders tightly as he shook me. “Where you been hiding yourself?”

We hadn’t jammed once since the accident. Hell, I hadn’t picked up my guitar since our last gig. And it wasn’t that we couldn’t or didn’t want to. It’s just…without Trevor, the band was dead. It was like the soul, the groove, and the life were gone, sleeping beside him in that hospital bed.

“I’ve been working for my uncle.”

“Every damn day? That sucks.”

For a moment, his bright blue eyes shadowed and he stood back, rubbing the day-old stubble along his jaw. It wasn’t stubble so much as peach fuzz, and it was something I used to razz him about a lot.

Except I didn’t feel much like razzing.

“You seen Trev?” he asked carefully.

I nodded but didn’t elaborate. I wasn’t about to tell him that Mike Lewis had just threatened to kick my ass all over the hospital. It was a small town. I’m sure he’d hear it soon enough.


BoysLikeYou.indd 79

11/19/13 10:02 AM

Juliana Ston e

“I stopped in a few weeks back but he just…” Brent’s voice was subdued.

A heartbeat passed. Then another.

“Yeah, I know.”

Brent’s eyes quickly slid from me to Monroe and the moment passed. He winked at her. “New blood? What’s your name, gorgeous?”

“Monroe,” she answered.

Brent’s grin widened even more and he bent over at the waist.

“Nice to meet you, Monroe. Y’all don’t sound like you’re from around here.”

“I’m not.”

“So where’re you from, sugar?” His eyes moved over her from head to toe, and something inside me tightened. I nearly stepped forward but caught myself in time. I wanted to shove him the hell away from her, and that was wrong. Monroe didn’t belong to me. Shit, I barely knew the girl.

“I’m from New York City, and my name’s not Sugar.”

He snorted. “Your name might not be Sugar but I bet you taste real sweet.”

Monroe made a weird noise in the back of her throat, and I was surprised to see a hint of a smile on her face. “That’s lame.”

“Yeah, I guess it is.” Brent chuckled, his eyes moving from Monroe back to me, and I saw the question there. Brent was a player. Big time. I narrowed my eyes in warning. There was no way he was going there with this girl. Mrs. Blackwell would have my butt in a sling.


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Brent was all about getting laid, which was pretty much the one thing most guys I knew thought about every single day. But him? Girls had been throwing themselves at him since he was twelve, and the ones who fell for his lame ass lines deserved what they got.

But Monroe was different. And she didn’t know him like I did.

“So, Monroe,” Brent said carefully, cocking his head. “You want something to drink?”

She shook her head. “I’m driving.”

“Right.” Brent looked at me. “That means you’re not.” He grabbed a can from his back pocket and tossed it my way.

“Come on,” he said. “I’ve got a couple of guitars.”

I popped the can open and took a long swig. The beer was lukewarm and not my favorite brand, but whatever, it was something to drink. Something to hold onto. Something to keep my hands busy.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Monroe said carefully, cocking her head to the side in a way that made a chunk of that dark tangled hair fall over her face.

I took another long drink and then wiped my mouth. “I’m not sure of anything right now.”

For a moment, I thought I saw a small smile lift the corners of her mouth. I blinked and it was gone.

“Are you going to play for me?” she asked. Her eyes glistened, little sparks from the fire reflected in their depths.

“Yo, Nate.”


BoysLikeYou.indd 81

11/19/13 10:02 AM

Juliana Ston e

The three of us turned as Chuck McDaniel strolled over with his girlfriend, Gina. I’d seen them earlier, at the festival, and wasn’t surprised they had ended up out here. It’s not like there was much else to do on Saturday night in Twin Oaks.

Gina’s eyes narrowed on Monroe, her glossy lips pulled tight in a fake smile as she flexed her claws.

“Where’s Rach?” she asked, though her eyes never quite made it to my face.

“Not here,” I answered.

“I can see that.” She snapped her gum and smiled. “And who are you exactly?” That was for Monroe.

“No one,” Monroe answered, before tugging on my arm.

“Are you going to play for me?”

“Come on, Everets. What’s a party without some tunes?”

Brent said.

“I don’t know, man. I haven’t picked up in forever.” I took another long swig of beer and then crushed the can before shoving my hands into my front pockets. “I’ve probably lost my calluses, and knowing the way you’ve got your action rigged, my fingers will kill tomorrow.”

Juliana Stone's Books