Ace of Spades Sneak Peek(41)

“Bringing the meeting to an end with a final point, we’ll be closing parts of the school one day in the coming weeks to do a basic check of the electric networks and facilities in the building. It was meant to be done over the summer but wasn’t, so this may affect events such as the homecoming football game. We will be discussing alternate locations for the match in the next meeting.

“Cecelia, thank you for taking the minutes. You’re free to go. Can Devon and Chiamaka stay behind, please.” Ward’s eyes stay on mine as he drags out each syllable, every word bursting from his mouth like dark bubbles.

Me and Chiamaka glance at each other. She has a small I told you so smile on her face.

I watch the other prefects leave. Headmaster Ward locks the door sharply behind them. Why does he have to do that?

He turns back.

“We have found the so-called ‘Aces,’ if you will,” he says.


My heart jumps out from my chest.

Chiamaka sits up. “Thank you for looking into this, sir. Who are they?”

Ward says nothing at first. “Chiamaka,” he starts, voice low. “When you came to me, I thought it was out of genuine concern. But your ill sabotage of each other proves to me that you are not serious and that you do not deserve your titles as Senior Prefect and Head Prefect.”

The fuck?

I’m so confused. Is he trying to say that we did this to each other?

Chiamaka looks horrified.

“What?” she says.

He looks so bored.

“It has been brought to my attention that you have both been collecting defamatory information about each other. Information I discovered earlier today while looking through your personal school accounts. We do not tolerate this kind of uncivilized behavior at Niveus, and so, Devon, I’m revoking your badge for three weeks, since you have no prior record and good grades. You, Chiamaka, on the other hand, since this is your second misdemeanor this week alone, I’m afraid I will have to revoke your badge until further notice. You will both have detention every day after school—also until further notice—and that will go on your record—”


“I’m not behind this, Headmaster—” Chiamaka starts.

“Quiet!” Ward shouts, which freaks me out because his voice changes completely. “Detention starts tomorrow at four—please be prompt. You may leave.”

Chiamaka looks sick.

I feel anger bubbling inside. Juilliard will see this, and there’s nothing I can do about it because Ward won’t even let us defend ourselves. He’s made his mind up, we’re guilty. I just want to get home.

I take my backpack, unlock the door, and walk out. Hands on my back push me forward and I turn quickly.

“So it was you!” Chiamaka shouts, eyes glassy.


“What type of lowlife spends their time trying to ruin—”


“This is going to go on my record, then Yale won’t accept me, and I will be stuck at some community college where my efforts won’t even matter, and I won’t be able to go to med school.” Tears are spilling down her face now.

I feel a pang in my chest. Remorse?

“I didn’t do it,” I tell her calmly.

She looks at me in disbelief.

“Why would I leak my own sex tape, call myself a drug dealer, or out myself? Or bother you, for that matter? We don’t even talk. How do I know you’re not behind this?”

She says nothing, just stares at me as I stare back. I think it’s the longest we have ever really looked at each other, and I’m not sure how long it lasts, but it’s long enough to be significant. Her face is round, pretty, and wet. She’s crying. Why is she crying?

I always assumed people like Chiamaka—people with money—could buy their way into college. Why is she acting like that is not an option? And even without college, she’ll have a trust fund. They always do.

I watch her shoulders, which shudder like a cold breeze has passed through her. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a red USB.

“Did you get this too?”

Why does it feel like I’m in a horror film?

“Yeah, I did,” I say.

She looks up at the ceiling, wiping her face.

“Follow me,” she says, walking down the hallway. I follow. The heels of her shoes click loudly against the marble, while mine squeak after each step. Every sound feels deafening. We finally turn into one of the smaller libraries.

She sits on a chair in front of one of the computers, and I watch her type in her school login, throwing me a look when I’m still watching as she types her password in.

I sigh to myself. Why would I want her password?

She plugs the USB in.

“I didn’t get to look at your file much, since I had class, but it had a lot of folders. Maybe if you see them, you can anticipate and prepare before they strike, or maybe we can show Headmaster Ward these with the notes—”

“So after he blamed us for doing this to each other, you seriously want to trust him again to catch the real culprits?”

Chiamaka ignores me, focusing on the screen instead. The computer makes a loud sound, and the message USB NOT RECOGNIZED appears.

She takes it out and puts it back in. The same thing happens.

Faridah àbíké-íyí's Books