Ace of Spades Sneak Peek(109)

Thank you to my sisters, Maliha and Tamera, for being so supportive and for listening to my ideas (with very little bribing).

A special thank you to everyone at The Bent Agency for making me feel so welcome.

Thank you to Molly Ker Hawn for supporting me and this book during a very difficult time.

A huge thank you to my wonderful agent, Zo? Plant, who took me in and has championed me and my books ever since—also thank you for answering all my random late-night emails.

A massive thank you to my editors Becky Walker, Foyinsi Adegbonmire, and Liz Szabla for not only believing in Ace of Spades, but also in me. I could never have imagined finding such perfect homes for my stories and with such incredible editors.

Thank you to everyone at Feiwel and Friends, to Jean Feiwel for welcoming me to Feiwel with open arms, to Molly Ellis, Elizabeth Clark, and Dawn Ryan, and to everyone at Macmillan for making my dream possible.

Thank you to Adekunle for illustrating such a beautiful cover—I literally gasped when I saw it. Thank you for bringing my characters to life in such an amazing way!

Thank you to my cousin Ade for lifting me out of the sunken place. Without her this book would not have been written, and I’d probably still be in a very bad place.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout this journey. You know who you are. If I start listing names I literally won’t stop, and as I said in my intro, not enough bark.

And lastly, thank you to the kettle I keep in my bedroom. I have named him Steve. I have boiled many a tea, and you have supported me through very tough times.

Thank you.

Thank you for reading this Feiwel & Friends book. The friends who made ACE OF SPADES possible are: Jean Feiwel, Publisher

Liz Szabla, Associate Publisher Rich Deas, Senior Creative Director Elizabeth H. Clark, Senior Creative Director Holly West, Senior Editor

Anna Roberto, Senior Editor

Kat Brzozowski, Senior Editor Dawn Ryan, Executive Managing Editor Celeste Cass, Assistant Production Manager Erin Siu, Associate Editor

Emily Settle, Associate Editor Foyinsi Adegbonmire, Associate Editor Rachel Diebel, Assistant Editor Follow us on Facebook or visit us online at Our books are friends for life.


Faridah àbíké-íyímídé is a writer from South London who has dreamed of writing books about Black kids saving (or destroying) the world all her life. She is an avid tea drinker and a collector of strange mugs. She currently studies English, Chinese, and anthropology in the Scottish Highlands., or sign up for email updates here.

Faridah àbíké-íyí's Books